Carpet cleaning can turn into a real headache when you’re dealing with spills from brightly coloured drinks or foods.

But forking out for pricey carpet cleaners may not be necessary, as Karrie Truman of Happy Money Saver has shared a homemade mixture that’s sure to leave your carpets spotless.

“Making your own homemade all-natural carpet cleaner has never been so easy,” Karrie said. “With our easy-to-make, inexpensive all-natural solution you won’t buy the commercial stuff anymore. It’s safe, effective, and uses ingredients you likely already have at home.”

Vinegar is the star of the show when it comes to tackling stubborn carpet stains and lifting embedded dirt, thanks to its acidic nature, reports the Express. It’s particularly good for neutralising alkaline stains like pet urine, soap scum, or the usual suspects lurking in your carpet.

Not only does vinegar help to get rid of bad smells naturally, but it also has antibacterial properties, ensuring it doesn’t just cover up nasty odours but cleans the fabric deeply. Karrie explained: “A versatile and natural cleaning agent, vinegar effectively cuts through dirt and odours, leaving surfaces sanitised due to its acidic properties.

Wiping carpet stain
Carpet stains can be removed with one natural item (Image: Getty)

“Hot water helps to dissolve grime and enhance the cleaning power of other ingredients, making it easier to lift stains from the carpet.”

Making your own carpet cleaner at home is a piece of cake. Simply combine half a gallon of vinegar with an equal amount of hot water in a large bowl or directly in your kitchen sink. If you fancy adding a bit of scent to your homemade cleaner, think about using essential oils, but be careful as many can be harmful to pets.

Before you start applying any cleaning solution, make sure to give your carpet a good vacuum. It’s crucial to do a patch test with your DIY mix by applying a small amount on a hidden area of the carpet and waiting a day to check for any damage.

The actual cleaning process usually takes no more than five minutes, but the key is patience. Allow the material to dry for a full day, and you should be left with a spotless carpet once more.