One of the most glaring distinctions between U.S. President Trump and Canada’s ‘idiom’ with no clothes – Trudeau – is America’s bona fide leader and proven success was sworn in, while, wherever undeniable failure Justin finds himself, he gets sworn at.

Victor Redlick

(Canadians will have the chance to vote – not swear – against Justin Trudeau’s Liberals even if he no longer leader of the party)


Mark Carney, hobnobber with the Davos elite, would be aghast to learn that anyone could associate such an august figure as he presents with Art Carney, the American comedian who appeared on Jackie Gleason’s “The Honeymooners,” a television show popular in the late 1950s. However, I find there is a nexus in that both the Ed Norton character played by Art Carney and Mark Carney set themselves impossible tasks: The former to reduce Gleason’s girth so that he could manoeuvre in a manhole and thus work with the sanitation department; and the latter, to bring about an effect on climate by means of a reduction in Canada’s negligible carbon emissions, a policy he mulishly pursues even, should opposition become more fierce, to the extent of substituting “it with something that is at least if not more, effective.” (“Carbon tax off table?,” Brian Lilley, Jan. 18). Art Carney is remembered for the laughter and joy he left with us. In his role as Liberal Party mage, Mark Carney, au contraire, has left his fellow countrymen discouraged and unquestionably poorer. Canadians sending him packing in the next election will ensure that this Carney is quickly forgotten.

Carol-Faye Petricko

(That election cannot come soon enough)


I don’t care who the Liberal Party throws at us fed-up Canadians. They destroyed our country. We need someone to rebuild us. And that is not anyone associated as a Liberal Party member!

Phil Anhalt
Paris, Ont.

(Elections matter and are consequential to potential outcome. But as things stand today, the Liberals are headed toward politics on oblivion)