A top dermatologist has listed the skin and haircare trends she hopes people will “just stop” doing, especially as several lack scientific backing.

Managing issues such as acne, hyperpigmentation, dry or irritated skin, dark under eye circles, wrinkles, greasy, dull or lifeless hair can be tiresome, with some beauty products working for some while failing others. This leads many people to seek solutions online.

While both experts and novices share their experiences and advice, not all of these trends are beneficial, according to a beloved dermatologist.

Dr Aamna Adel, a dermatologist registrar based in London, prides herself on being an expert in skincare and haircare. She’s gained a loyal following on social media thanks to consistently sharing advice and tips from her years in the beauty sector.

In a recent TikTok video, she listed several trends she advises against, some of which have proven to be incredibly popular in recent months. These include sleeping with wet hair, using beef tallow as a moisturiser, hair training, and more.

The clip features Dr Adel standing in her bathroom, as the trends she wants people to avoid are displayed around her in white text. She then mimed along to a famous quote by Tyra Banks on America’s Next Top Model, in which she shouted at a contestant: “Stop it! I have never before in my life yelled at a girl like this.”

Dr Adel used the quote to jokingly warn people to avoid the following trends:

  • Sleeping with wet hair
  • Beef tallow as a moisturiser
  • Heatless curling rods
  • Hair training
  • Not using tinted SPF for pigmentation
  • Double cleansing in the morning

She captioned the video: “PSA from a derm: just please stop”. In a follow up comment, Dr Adel said she has seen a lot of traction alopecia as a result of people using heatless curling rods. The comments section lit up with mixed reactions.

One user shared their positive experience with beef tallow. They penned: “Beef tallow cleared my skin and actually keeps it fully hydrated through winter – I use one whipped with Manuka honey. Genuinely curious if you have any thoughts on this?”

Another joked about the unnecessity of double cleansing in the morning: “Double cleansing in the AM? Are they rolling around in the dirt?” A third echoed the sentiment, questioning: “Now WHO is double cleansing in the morning… Do y’all sleep outdoors??!”

Someone else expressed disbelief over the beef tallow trend, using a crying face emoji, but others stood by its benefits: “Beef tallow is the only thing I will use now”, while another who wasn’t a fan of the trend said: “Omg the beef tallow thing is making me so angry”. Many agreed with Dr Adel’s advice – except for her take on beef tallow, which they swear by.

When trying new skincare products, it’s always smart to do a patch test first. Apply a bit of the product to a sensitive area like the inner elbow or wrist and wait 24 hours to see if there’s any allergic reaction or sensitivity.

If you notice itchiness, burning, or flaky skin, it’s best to discontinue use immediately.