Regular ITV show guest Dr Amir Khan left Lorraine Kelly stunned on her self-titled programme as he told her “the truth”. Dr Amir, a full-time GP, who also often appears on Good Morning Britain, joined Lorraine in the studio live from his surgery in Bradford.
He appeared during a segment titled “Should we put cancer warnings on alcohol?”, and he quickly moved to debunk a common myth. He said: “Some people still believe that a small amount of red wine is good for your heart, and actually that was based on flawed research.”
Lorraine looked visibly taken aback as he mouth dropped open, before Dr Amir went on to say that past studies neglected to account for the fact that “red wine drinkers were more likely to be wealthier, more educated, more physically active, and eat more vegetables”.
He said: “Once those things were accounted for in future studies, the risks of drinking even a small amount of red wine outweighed any benefits.”
The medical expert then went on to say that alcohol turns into something called acetaldehyde in the body – which damages cells and leads to an increase in insulin and oestrogen, which can significantly raise a person’s risk of developing cancer.