Whenever I go shopping for a shirt, a jacket, or any other item of clothing, I always keep the receipts, because you’ll never know when you might just need them. Occasionally a jumper will go completely out of shape after just a couple of cool washes, or I might discover a flaw in a shirt that I couldn’t see when it was in the packaging, and the only way to hold the retailers to account is by keeping those valuable slips of paper.

I like holding people, businesses and public bodies to account, it’s a large part of what I do. I like seeing others do the same, and much of this is often done by keeping a firm hold of letters, emails, or scribbled notes that guilty parties once compiled, and later came to regret.

Right now, maybe on a hard-drive, maybe at the bottom of a drawer, or maybe even in a safety deposit box, there will be such letters, emails or notes that when exposed, will condemn politicians, senior council employees and senior police officers over their lack of action, their looking the other way, or their other forms of misconduct in public office which disgustingly allowed gangs of men of Pakistani origin to kidnap, poison, rape and even kill young white British girls.

I strongly suspect that these will have been preserved as insurance policies by well-intentioned employees who wanted to act, who wanted to do the right thing, but felt brow-beaten and bullied into towing the line, keeping quiet and doing nothing.

Charlie Peters in Rotherham

GB News National Reporter Charlie Peters has refused to give up on the grooming gangs scandal story.


The true scale of this revolting scandal is now coming to light, in large part due to astonishingly courageous victims of these barbarous crimes speaking out, the heroic work of heroes like Maggie Oliver, the former Greater Manchester Police detective who resigned from her job in order to expose the truth that her employers wanted to suppress, fearless campaigners like Raja Miah, and of course, Charlie Peters of GB News, who has simply refused to go away. New voices are also beginning to be heard, but there is still a long way to go before the true horror of this stain upon our nation can all be laid bare, so that the cowards, the corrupt and the conniving can all be held to account.

To a large degree we know why this mediaeval criminality was allowed to flourish. Idiotic ideologues who seek to brainwash us into thinking that everyone who lives in the UK is a part of a flourishing and harmonious melting pot of multicultural joy, peddle this untruth relentlessly, and lazily label anyone who challenges their completely untrue view as ‘far-right racists’.

Pressure not to rock this holed-under-the-water boat was huge. Many caved in, and were therefore complicit in allowing the raping of children to continue, largely unabated. Shame on them all.

Keir Starmer and his cabinet

Keir Starmer has so far refused a full public inquiry into grooming gangs.

Getty Images

Starmer and his loony-left acolytes are the very worst and most intolerant spreaders of this multicultural nirvana tripe, and what they massively fail to appreciate is that so many of us who harbour deep concerns over this scandal and over non-existent integration, were among the first to establish friendships and relationships with immigrant communities and their children that endure to this day.

A full judge-led public inquiry into these rape and grooming gangs is now desperately needed. It should assure the nation that guilty parties will held to account. It should also provide transparency, settle unrest, allow people to air their currently hidden insurance policies, and go a long way towards calming any racial tensions that currently exist.

If this rampantly unworldly Prime Minister, who has repeatedly been proven to be out of touch with the common people, continues to refuse such an inquiry, and fails to see the flashpoints that are clearly on the horizon, then it is with a very heavy heart that I predict more civil unrest during the upcoming spring or summer. Don’t say I didn’t warn you Keir. Sigh.