Westminster City Council has posted a Diversity, Equality and Inclusion job advert which discriminates against white applicants.
The London local authority is looking for an individual who comes from a “Global Majority (GM)” background to become a permanent staff member, with a starting salary of £54,684.
It also said it will use “positive discrimination” to pick a candidate who is not white if both candidates are of “equal merit”.
The advert reads: “The council is committed to achieving diverse shortlists to support our desire to increase the number of staff from underrepresented groups in our workforce.

Westminster City Council has come under fire for its Diversity, Equality and Inclusion job advert
Wikimedia Commons/Getty/X
“We especially encourage applications from a Global Majority (GM), people who are Black, Asian, Brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global south, and or have been racialised as ‘ethnic minorities (formally known as Bame, Black, Asian and Multiple ethnic) background.
“Whilst the role is open to all applicants, we will utilise the positive action provisions of the Equality Act 2010 to appoint a candidate from a global majority background where there is a choice between two candidates of equal merit.”
Social media users reacted with rage to the job advert, which is accepting applications until January 24.
One user said: “Hiring the best should be the priority in any field, not DEI hires”, whilst another said: “How is this legal?”

Social media users reacted with rage to the job advert, which is accepting applications until January 24
X/Westminster City Council
Another said: “Unbelievable. This is the fruit of woke ideology—outright racial discrimination, disguised as ‘equity.’ When did it become acceptable for governments to openly discriminate based on race?”
A third added: “Nothing positive about being racist. This can’t be legal? Any lawyers out there that want to take this to court?”
In recent years, various organisations across the UK, including the Government, have dropped the acronym Bame, which stands for black, Asian, and minority ethnic, and in its place are opting to use the new phrase “global majority”.
The term was coined in 2003 by Rosemary Campbell-Stephens, a British-Jamaican academic, and refers to people who are “black, Asian, brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global south, and or have been racialised as ‘ethnic minorities’.”
Campbell-Stephens said in 2020 that the group accounts for more than 80 per cent of the world’s population.

In March 2022, the Government committed to no longer using Bame, instead opting to use specific ethnic classifications wherever possible.
Last year, the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) announced that it had adopted the term “people of the global majority” to refer to all ethnic groups except white British and other white groups.
GB News spoke with white British graduates last month about feeling “alienated” from DEI hiring schemes, with the programmes “creating a new form of inequality”.
British Intelligence agencies MI5, MI6, and GCHQ have sparked controversy after excluding white British students from applying for their summer internship program.
They say this restriction is due to “current underrepresentation in our workforce”, and they are not the only companies who have adopted this way of recruiting.
One graduate Matthew, who graduated last summer, said it has always been his dream to work for The Guardian, but due to the fact that he is white and British, no opportunities are open to him.
He said: “The Guardian paid work experience programme is only for BAME and disabled applicants. If you want to get work experience there, you have no way of doing it if you are from the background most people are in this country.”