Many people who have been warned their blood pressure levels are starting to look a bit high may want to consider eating one particular type of vegetable. According to research, celery helps reduce blood pressure naturally if eaten daily alongside a balanced diet – which may bring levels down enough for you to avoid needing medication or treatment.
Celery is packed full of bioactive compounds, including phthalides, N-butylphthalide (NBP), and apigenin. These help relax artery walls, increase blood flow, and reduce blood pressure.
Celery is low in salt, acts as a natural diuretic and is rich in fibre, magnesium, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are important for heart health and help regulate blood pressure levels. The low-calorie vegetable, which is 95% water, may also decrease cholesterol levels and plaque build-up in the blood.
Alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise, eating around 250g of celery a day can naturally lower blood pressure levels. Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Kenneth Shafer, MD, recommends about four stalks, or one cup, of chopped celery daily.
Similarly, Dr Mark Houston, a physician and medical director of the Hypertension Institute of Nashville at Saint Thomas Hospital, recommends celery to patients. Eating four stalks per day may be all it takes to lower blood pressure naturally, he says.

A 2019 study conducted in a specific area of Java discovered that drinking celery juice helped lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals with systolic hypertension. Other studies have reported similar findings regarding celery juice’s impact on blood pressure; however, there haven’t been any extensive controlled trials to evaluate its effectiveness in this area thoroughly.
You don’t have to spend a lot to enjoy celery. At budget supermarkets like Aldi, you can get a batch of celery stalks for only 52p.
When buying celery, make sure it has sturdy, upright stalks—they should snap off easily. Avoid celery with yellow or brown patches. To keep the nutrients intact, chop celery right before you cook or serve it. Even if it is chopped and stored for just a few hours, it can start to lose its nutritional value.
Steaming celery will help retain its flavour and nearly all of its nutrients. To get the most out of celery’s nutrients, eat it within seven days of buying it.
Celery is not only packed with health benefits but is also a wonderfully versatile vegetable. You can enjoy it raw and cooked, making it a fantastic ingredient for smoothies, stir-fries, soups, and juices.
Side effects of eating celery
Eating celery every day is unlikely to cause problems for most people. But, there are some sides effects of celery, for example, it contains phthalides, which can cause drowsiness. Celery also contains coumarin, which can prevent calcium from entering heart cells.
Celery can interact with some medications, so you should talk with your health provider before eating large amount. The veg can impact slow clotting medication, like aspirin, warfarin, and heparin – it can also interact with sedative medications, like clonazepam and lorazepam.
Other ways to lower blood pressure:
- Reduce your salt intake
- Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
- Follow a low-sodium diet
- Take any needed medication
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Limit alcohol and quit smoking
- Get enough sleep
Eating more potassium is helpful as the mineral relaxes blood vessel walls, making it easier for blood to flow. But, it is important to not eat a high amount of potassium-rich food otherwise your blood pressure may drop too low. Always speak to your doctor first before making any major diet or lifestyle changes, and to check if celery is suitable for you.