The leader of Bristol’s Conservative party has said the proposed closure of three Bristol museums is a “senseless” idea. Last month the council met behind closed doors to discuss cuts that could see the closure of museums at Blaise Castle, the Georgian House and the Red Lodge.

The council also discussed shorter opening hours at the city council Archives Searchroom. The ideas were proposed as part of the Council’s draft savings plans to close a budget gap in its finances over the coming financial year.

Further details have since been published ahead of two finance sub-committee meetings to be held on Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday January 16. If approved, the museums would close from April 2025 to achieve saving of £142k.

Conservative Leader Councillor Mark Weston has launched a public petition opposing the proposal to close the three museums and has branded the proposals “senseless”.

He said: “Together with Conservative colleagues, I shall vigorously oppose this senseless suggestion. I remain unconvinced that these closures would ever produce any real cash saving.

“The published figures of £142k for 25/26 represent a drop in the proverbial ocean of a reported £52m budget shortfall. The legal requirement to maintain these listed buildings means that there will still be an on-going revenue cost without providing residents and visitors with any of the cultural, educational and social benefits derived from keeping them open.

“I hope that a sufficient number of members from the other parties will eventually be persuaded to drop this foolish and counterproductive proposition. It is essential that as much public pressure as possible is brought to bear on the issue. So, I urge people to please register their own objections by signing my ePetition.”

The ePetition to Save Bristol’s Museums can be found here.