A cleaning expert has just revealed the unlikely bathroom item perfect for tackling those unsightly water stains on your shower glass. Those bothersome watermarks are mostly due to hard water, which contains heaps of minerals like calcium and magnesium.
These minerals linger when water evaporates and leave their mark. This can result in clear spots or marks appearing where the water was once present.
On occasion, these might even be exacerbated by the mingling of soap residue and minerals, worsening the look of those water stains. Yet, there’s no need to go hunting for specialist cleaning supplies help is at hand right within the bathroom itself, reports the Express.
A clever tip from a cleaning whizz points to a pretty standard grooming product as a crafty remedy for the issue. Dallas Maids’ Greg Shephard swears by shaving foam to deal with stubborn water spots on your shower panels.
As per NBC, Shephard endorses this easy-to-find item as an “great way” to get rid of tough water stains. For best results, slap a generous dollop of shaving cream onto the stained spot, hang tight for 15 minutes, then simply wipe it away.
Not only can shaving foam make shower doors shine, but it’s also reportedly handy at stopping them from steaming up so you can still see yourself in the mirror after a hot shower.
Reports from Home Made Simple suggest that glycerin, one of shaving foam’s ingredients, lays down a protective layer on the glass. Knowing the right tricks and tools is key for maintaining a streak-free, gleaming shower enclosure.

DFI Solutions has revealed that hotels employ the use of soft cloths to dry glass after each cleaning session, in order to avoid water spots. Therefore, it’s recommended to wipe with a soft cloth to prevent water marks from reappearing.