A Bank of England advert for “diverse” job roles in Leeds tells applicants “No finance background? No problem”, GB News can reveal.
The advert, seen by this broadcaster, is being promoted on LinkedIn and features an image of an ethnic minority man with the caption: “Explore diverse roles in Leeds at the UK’s Central Bank”.
The advert continued: “No finance background? No problem. Discover exciting opportunities at our Leeds office today.”
The Bank of England has come under fire for the ad’s promotion of people with no finance background.

Ben Habib, the former Deputy Leader of the Reform Party, told GB News: “We all suspected the Bank of England was hopeless at monetary policy. Now we know why.”
“It’s not a finance background they’re after. They just need your background to be minority ethnic!”
“I despair!”
Among the roles in Leeds currently being promoted on the Bank of England’s website is “Senior Analyst, Market Operation Specialist”, described as a “a rewarding role that presents a great opportunity for someone who is interested in utilising their analytical skills to improve the Bank’s pricing policies and models, with exposure across the Bank’s market operations.”

Other roles included are “Market Operations Technician”, “Banking and Securities Operations Technician” and several cyber security positions.
Robert Bates, a political commentator, said: “The Bank of England has one job, to ensure monetary stability, and has failed chronically in this undertaking since the financial crash.”
“This is what happens when an unelected group of civil servants are allowed to run amok.”
“They end up abandoning their duty to the British public and indulge in their own pet hobbies of diversity, inclusivity, and climate change.”
Please write at least 2 paragraphs
“No one wants a Bank of England focused on this type of nonsense, we want a central bank that is focused solely on securing the value of the pound coin in our pockets.”
“At a time when the Bank has just wasted tens of billions of pounds on a ridiculous quantitative tightening programme, attempting to bailing itself out of the mass caused by unbridled money printing, it has far more important things to be focused on than race audits or anti-white racism,” Mr Bates added.
“The day when the monstrous experiment of central bank independence is brought to a close cannot come soon enough.”
The advert comes as the economy struggles, with the pound at its lowest against the dollar since November 2023 and the cost of government borrowing jumped close to 2008 levels.
Connor Tomlinson, a commentator from the Lotus Eaters website, said: “Given the Bank of England’s woeful mismanagement of public finances ahead of 2022’s mini-budget, the last thing they need to do is put inexperienced applicants at the front of the queue for roles by dint of being not white.”
A Bank of England spokesperson said: “There are many roles at the Bank of England that don’t require prior experience in finance or economics.”
“It is important that the Bank’s workforce reflects our society and as an employer we need to attract and retain talented staff.”