As temperatures across the country drop, more and more people are becoming concerned about the ‘winter itch’. There has been a 103 per cent increase in the number of people searching online for “why are my legs so itchy” since the current cold snap kicked in.

And while new research from hair removal experts at SmoothSkin found that 29 per cent of people (rising to 43 per cent when looking only at women) say they remove their hair less in the colder months than they do in summer, it is clear to see for those year-round shavers that the winter itch is causing significant problems.

Winter itch is a type of dermatitis – also known as pruritus hiemalis – that most commonly affects the legs and occurs when the outdoor temperature drops. Caused by having dry skin, shaving can exacerbate the symptoms due to the lack of moisture that comes after a shaving routine.

Interestingly, the research also found that legs are the fourth-most common place women dislike having body hair on, suggesting many will continue to remove hair from here into winter, despite the problems this can cause.

And, with the new study finding that just 19 per cent of people always use shaving cream every time they shave, the remaining 81 per cent could be putting themselves at risk of razor burn or folliculitis, which will only further worsen itchy leg sensations in the winter.

In order to combat persistent ‘winter itch’ and irritation as a result of shaving, the team at SmoothSkin has shared the top four reasons why Brits might want to consider switching up their routine with IPL hair removal this winter. Check them out below:

How to combat ‘winter itch’ caused from hair removal

Avoid tight clothing and irritating materials

Tight clothing, such as thermals, sportswear, skinny jeans, and particularly tights, can worsen the symptoms of winter itch. While it’s easier said than done, especially during the colder months, you should avoid wearing skin-tight clothing and opt for looser clothing to give your already irritated skin space to breathe. However, it’s best to stick to materials like silk or linen as heavy-duty cotton or wool can cause further irritation.

Avoid hot showers and baths

While there might be nothing more tempting than a hot bath after a cold winter’s day, hot temperatures can dry the skin out, stripping it of natural oils. Instead, opt for lukewarm showers and try to limit the time you spend bathing to a couple of minutes at most.

Use proper hair removal techniques

While people who are more prone to itchy and irritable skin might not be best suited to traditional hair removal methods, like shaving, if they are going to do it, it’s vital they use proper techniques. As a general rule of thumb, those who shave should:

  • Swap out their razor every 2 to 3 weeks

  • Soak the area you’re going to shave in water for a couple of minutes before you shave.

  • Always use a shaving gel or cream.

Use alternative hair removal methods like IPL

Winter is the perfect time to start an alternative hair removal journey, such as IPL. Why? Because IPL light is attracted to the dark pigment in hair follicles, if you have a sun tan, this can interfere with how effective your treatment is. This is because IPL only works on certain skin types and hair colours, due to the contrast needed from the light to work effectively.

However, in the winter, we’re naturally covered up more, reducing the likelihood of skin darkening from the sun. Therefore, ‘winter skin’ tends to have a much higher response rate to IPL hair removal treatment.

  • Less sun exposure

Similarly, after an IPL hair removal treatment, it’s best to avoid UV exposure for at least 24 hours. Not only is this to avoid developing a tan, but your skin can become sensitive after IPL treatments.

While IPL is generally low-pain (you might feel some heat sensations during flashes, but nowhere near the pain level of the likes of waxing or threading), it can cause some redness or inflammation. This is nothing to worry about and tends to fade shortly after treatment, however, exposing this skin to UV rays can exacerbate irritation.

  • Cooler temperatures

Similarly to sun exposure after treatment, excessive sweat can worsen any skin sensitivity after IPL hair removal. During the winter, we’re naturally less likely to sweat when going about our day, making it a much better time for IPL than summer when heat waves strike.

  • Hair free by summer!

While IPL can be performed at any time of year, starting your IPL hair removal treatment in winter is the most strategic as it gives you enough time to see the best results. This is because to achieve long-lasting results and catch each hair during its growth phase, you’ll need to repeat the treatment every week for 12 weeks.

Your hair grows in four cycles: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen, which roughly explains ‘growing’, ‘transition’, ‘resting’, and ‘shedding’. However, the four stages of hair growth won’t be linear for every single hair on your body. At any given time, you’ll have different groups of hair going through different stages of the growth cycle.

IPL hair removal works best on hair in the anagen (growth) stage, which is why you’ll have to do a treatment of IPL hair removal every week across the 12-week course to ensure you target each hair during the correct stage.

Leah Richards, director of clinical affairs at SmoothSkin, explains: “IPL (intense pulsed light) is a light-based hair removal method that targets the melanin – also known as pigment – inside the hair to interrupt the hair growth cycle and prevent hair regrowth, all without damaging the skin.

“This is why IPL is such an effective hair removal method, especially for those who suffer from irritation when shaving or using other more traditional hair removal methods. While anyone starting an IPL treatment will have to shave first so the IPL light can reach the hair follicle and destroy it, the frequency will be much less.

“However, with each weekly treatment of IPL, the amount of hair needed to be shaved will significantly reduce each time, which is what makes winter the best time to start.

“Less time worrying about daily shaving, not to mention the visible irritation and bumps that can come with it, and more time feeling confident about showing skin.”