Mould is something no one wants to take over their warm and loving homes – not only because of the worrying health risks it causes, but how ugly it looks.
When it does arrive, however, it can be incredibly difficult and expensive to get rid of. This normally depends on a number of factors, including the size of the area, the type of mould it is, and the difficulty of accessing it.
After trying everything you possibly can to eliminate it, such as the apparent ‘sure-fire’ methods like white vinegar and various sprays, it’s totally understandable if you feel like you’re at your wits’ end. But there is something you can do.
There’s a German method called Stosslüften or ‘shock ventilation’ that has gone viral on social media. It will make sure to keep the humidity down in your house, therefore lessening the chance mould appears, all while not costing you a single penny.

A video posted on TikTok by Which? explains how this is done simply by opening all the windows in your house for five minutes twice a day – yes, even in the freezing cold. Once the five minutes is over and all windows are then closed, this will replace all the warm and damp air in your home with cold, dry air.
Gone is the moisture which would have been condensing into damp patches on your walls and windows.
One TikTok user commented on the video: “I have done it all my life. As a 70-year-old who just walks around the house, it also gives you some nice fresh air so there’s also no need for chemical air fresheners.”
Another remarked: “I have been doing this for years, it’s amazing!”, while someone replied: “Is this not normal? I even leave my back door open.”