A woman has shared her grandmother’s hilarious response to her first trip to a Tesco supermarket, which has gone viral on social media.

Granddaughter, Inca, took to TikTok to post the video just before Christmas, capturing her gran’s dramatic entrance as she proclaimed: “It was so gross.”

Gesticulating wildly, the elderly lady ranted about the supermarket, saying: “They had trolleys that were like this [filled] with beer, buns and more buns and turkeys.”

With a horrified expression, she continued: “I just said get me out of this place! They didn’t have anything. It was so disgusting!” Despite Inca’s own fondness for Tesco, which she expressed by telling her grandma, “Oh we love Tesco!”, she humorously suggested in the video caption that they “might try Aldi next time” instead.

The video quickly became a hit, attracting over 225,000 views despite Inca’s relatively small TikTok following of less than 4,000. Commenters mostly teased the grandmother for her apparent “privilege” with one sarcastically writing: “Omg sounds truly horrific, just imagine the scene, people with full trolleys because it’s Christmas. Oh please, I just can’t bear it.”

Another quipped that the grandmother must be a “Waitrose girlie” – which, indeed, according to Inca, she is. A third commenter playfully imitated the grandmother’s disdain: “…and then I mingled with the great unwashed, couldn’t get near the gin, they had a weeks shop piled up of frozen burgers. It was ghaaaastly Tarquin. Then I woke up. Nightmare’.”

Whilst a fourth found humour in the video, remarking: “Tesco is no place for an icon like this! ” However, not everyone was amused. Others, however, failed to see the funny side, including one person who slammed: “People I serve at the food bank would be beyond grateful to be so ‘disgusting’.”

And a second fumed: “God I’m so glad this isn’t my Grandma…she would never speak this way. Too classy.” In defence of Tesco, meanwhile, one man noted: “I always shop at Tesco. I find Tesco’s finest range very good. Their Christmas cake was far better than their Christmas pudding though.”

Aligning with positive sentiments, another recounted: “I know someone with a Nan like this. Glad I had a Tesco nan.” The debate also left some feeling unexpectedly protective, leading one individual to ask: “Why am I feeling so defensive of Tesco right now?”