Dehumidifiers have become commonplace in modern Britain, especially during the cold winter months in an attempt to avoid damp around the home and help washing dry.
But did you know you could be using them wrong? So wrong in fact that not only do you risk losing money, but it could lead to a deadly fire.
Safety is paramount, so Which? has revealed the five mistakes you could be making with your dehumidifier and what you can do to correct them. The consumer champion posted the informative video on its TikTok channel.
Here’s everything you need to know about using your dehumidifier properly and safely.
Never put it against a wall or furniture
You should make sure your dehumidifier is positioned properly in the middle of the room. Which? says it should be at least 20cm away from any walls or nearby furniture in order to allow proper air circulation around the room.
Beware of any heat sources too, such as radiators or fireplaces, as well as vents. This will impact its performance.
Close all doors and windows
Once operational, it is absolutely imperative to make sure that all doors and windows are closed. This is because the device will not be able to perform anywhere near as well when it is battling with the humidity of the air outside.
Remember to clean the filter
Keeping the filter clean on a regular basis will give the dehumidifier a massive boost in performance. Manufacturers recommend giving it a deep clean once every two weeks, or at the very least once a month.
This can be done by simply removing the filter from the device and giving it a gentle vacuum. It helps greatly if you have a brush attachment, too.
However, on the basis the filter is heavily clogged and a simple hoover will not suffice, you will need to give it a quick wash.
For further information, and to make sure you are doing it properly for your device, check the manufacturer’s instructions.

Don’t dry wet clothes nearby
Arguably the most dangerous mistake on the list is drying wet clothes nearby your dehumidifier. Dripping clothes can pose a very serious fire hazard and is one to keep an eye out for.
As the device is often used to help dry your washing, please ensure they are as far enough away that any excess water is unable to drip all over the machine. This will also prevent any detrimental damage to the device.
Turn it off properly
If you have a desiccant dehumidifier, make sure you do not rush turning off your dehumidifier at the mains after use. Proper usage dictates using the device’s control panel to turn it off, ensuring it can close down properly.
Doing this makes sure the internal fan can continue spinning to cool down, which subsequently protects the internal machinery.