Cats are one of human’s greatest companions, they’re cute, cuddly and full of love – but there’s a reason why some consider them pests.
Due to their adventurous nature, and the fact many are lovers of the outdoors, they tend to leave a mess during their explorations. Something which is a nuisance for homeowners up and down the country.
Especially for those who have a garden on their property, whether front or rear, as these furry friends have a tendency to prowl and pounce which can make our lawns and plants seem totally irresistible.
There’s only so much we can do to keep them at bay. People feel like they have tried everything, from banging on windows, shouting out at them to get away, to even building barriers and putting sticks here, there and everywhere – all but to no avail.
Luckily, cats have a dislike for strong and unusual smells. Something which can be used as a deterrent.
And it turns out you do not even have to look very far, as some common household items are the perfect solution. Let’s take a look…
Green-fingered experts from PlantIn suggest concocting a simple DIY spray made of just a few components. These include vinegar which “emits a smell that cats detest” and will see them avoid your garden at all costs.

All you need to do is mix equal measures of vinegar and water before pouring it into a spray bottle. Make sure to add a couple drops of liquid castile soap to make sure it combines properly and then give it one last final stir.
Next, douse or deliver a fine mist of the substance over the soil. Just make sure it has been properly diluted, as it could be harmful to your pets and the surrounding vegetation.
There is one other solution you can create that combines water with essential oils. Blend 60ml of water with droplets from citrus, lavender, or rosemary essences and then spray away.
Experts warned: “Don’t go heavy on the oils, as they are quite concentrated and might harm your pet when used excessively. Spray your plants with the mixture.”