On Tuesday, ITV’s Good Morning Britain was put on pause for a ‘breaking news’ interruption. The presenter, Ranvir Singh, had some sudden important information to deliver to viewers, announcing that a severe natural event had occurred in China.

She briefed viewers about an earthquake hitting 23km from Shigatse in Tibet around 9am local time (1am GMT). The tremor affected several countries apart from China, namely Bangladesh, Nepal, India, and Bhutan, registering a magnitude of 7.1.

During a live broadcast from Downing Street, GMB went back to Ranvir in the studio due to the unfolding events. She reported: “And some breaking international news, at least 53 people have died and dozens others have been injured in a strong earthquake in Tibet.”

Continuing her report, the TV host disclosed that the quake measured roughly seven on the Richter scale and was centred near Shigatse, referred to as the “holy city”. She also mentioned that the shocks were felt in Nepal and parts of India.

Ranvir SIngh
ITV Good Morning Britain interrupted as Ranvir Singh shares urgent breaking news (Image: ITV)

While Ranvir delivered the news, ITV showed video clips capturing the earthquake’s force and its aftermath, with visible shaking evident. A series of aftershocks ensued, some reaching magnitudes of 4.4, as per state broadcaster reports, reports the Manchester Evening News.

The news of this catastrophe emerged on Tuesday morning, with Chinese state media reporting the tragic toll of 53 deaths and 62 injuries. Records from the US Geological Survey indicated the quake had a depth of 10km.

The region is no stranger to earthquakes due to its position on a key geological fault line. The collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates in this area results in uplifting forces that have created the formidable Himalayas.

Around 1,500 fire and rescue workers have been mobilised to sift through debris for survivors, as confirmed by China’s Ministry of Emergency Management. Anoj Raj Ghimire, chief district officer of Solukhumbu district in Nepal, reported: “We felt a very strong earthquake. So far we have not received any report of injuries or physical loss.”