It doesn’t matter who leads the Liberal party, whether it is Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Mark Carney, or, for that matter, if it is Ryan Reynolds, or that French-speaking pineapple that still haunts Canadians of a certain age (if you know, you know). Nothing can alter the party’s parasitic nature that has seeped into all walks of Canadian life, poisoning every government, business, media and cultural institution. The only solution is for the party to be torn out of the country, root and branch.

While the Liberal party has grown particularly obnoxious of late, it has, for at least 100 years, existed to direct state resources to maintain its own power centres. Liberals cannot fathom the notion that anyone else can govern this god forsaken land. Even less, can they fathom why anyone would vote for another party. To Liberals, anytime another party is in power, that government is, by definition, illegitimate on the account of it not being Liberal.

This arrogance is a defining feature of the Liberals, inseparable from who they are.

Less than seven months after the John Diefenbaker Conservatives won a minority in the 1957 election, then-Liberal leader Lester Pearson demanded the Governor General declare him prime minister, for no other reason than that he was leading the Liberals, and the “Tory pause” had gone on, in his view, long enough.

He presented a motion to the House of Commons that read: “In view of the desirability, at this time, of having a government pledged to implement Liberal policies, His Excellency’s advisors should … submit their resignations forthwith.” In response, Diefenbaker requested, and was granted, an election and was re-elected with the largest parliamentary majority to date, no doubt dumbfounding the ever entitled Liberals.

It is an arrogance that has persisted through the decades. In May 2005, then-prime minister Paul Martin ignored a confidence motion that his government lost, and which should have rightly necessitated a visit to the Governor General to possibly trigger an election. But Martin was a Liberal prime minister, don’t you see. Silly things like the Constitution are of no consequence.

It was an egregious and unmatched assault on Parliament’s ancient powers.

Unmatched, of course, until Monday, when Justin Trudeau asked the Governor General to prorogue Parliament for nearly three months so the Liberals could replace him as leader. This is a minority government where all three major opposition parties have now indicated they do not have confidence in the government.

The country needs an election immediately, as it is the only thing that can resolve this mess, short of Canada being annexed by the Americans.

Instead, Canada will be effectively without a government for weeks, solely so the Liberals can conduct a sort of American Idol for bilingual Laurentians who graduated from McGill. This is what we get for permitting these insufferably progressive fools to subordinate every aspect of Canadian life to their partisan needs.

The corrupting influence of the Liberal party has become all encompassing. When this or that cabinet minister gets uppity about being responsible with public money (Bill Morneau), or about interfering in criminal prosecutions (Jody Wilson-Raybould), they are simply replaced with someone more pliant, until that replacement is no longer useful, and is then kicked to the curb (David lametti, Chrystia Freeland). Ministers who had distinguished, or at least not humiliating, careers before politics, say a Bill Blair or a Marc Garneau, have been reduced to the role of yelping sycophant.

The illness radiates outward turning anything even remotely connected to government into a client or an arm of the Liberal party.

The explosion in the size of the federal bureaucracy, the vast expansion of corporate welfare into preferred Liberal businesses (read, green), Ottawa’s aggressive invasion into what’s left of provincial jurisdiction (dental care, pharmacare, energy and natural resources), has all been conducted for the benefit of the party.

Nothing happens in this country unless it benefits the Liberals. No one is hired, no cavity is filled, no money is invested and no child is educated, without partisan approval. And, it is only approved, if there is some electoral gain, however narrow. The rapid increase in immigration over the past decade could, as it has in the past, create a longterm base of Liberal voters. It is hard to believe the Liberals being as enthusiastic about immigration, if it didn’t have this prospect.

As government grows and grows and grows, it isn’t meeting any sort of public service need, or any ideological end, it is simply patronage on a grand scale. The entire state, and everyone in it has been turned into a beneficiary of the Liberals, all of us, part of the machine. Even Sir John A. Macdonald, fresh off the Pacific Scandal, would be embarrassed by this state of affairs.

All governments advance policies for electoral advantage, but there is something otherworldly about what the Liberals have done. Moreover, when what they do is plainly indefensible, such as dismissing Chinese election interference, or subordinating foreign policy to the preferences of Jew hating-pro-Hamas protesters, they can’t understand why anyone would ever question them. Large segments of the news media are always happy to comply and help the government gaslight the electorate.

And yet, it is even worse than all this. The party has transformed government not just into a vehicle for itself, but into a vehicle solely for Justin Trudeau. Not even Trudeau, the prime minister, but Trudeau, the celebrity, the man who still thinks its 2015 and can’t figure out why he hasn’t been on any magazine covers lately. What the party will look like by summer is anybody’s guess.

If it weren’t for Canada’s geographic proximity to the U.S., and the wealth that comes with that, this country would be a failed state. There is only one solution and that is the destruction of the Liberal party.

National Post