I will start by saying I grew up liberal but have voted for all three main parties at one point or another. I am not a blind follower who will forgive a government, no matter how bad it is or how many scandals it’s involved in. So, having said that, I would like to say I think Justin Trudeau should stay on until the next election. I think that he, and all his Liberal colleagues, should have to face the wrath or forgiveness of their constituents. The Liberal MPs who are now revolting and insisting Trudeau step down are only doing so to save their political hides. For years, they have been complacent, condoning and steadfast behind Trudeau. Why? Because there was no election in sight. But since this is an election year, they are trying to show their constituents they aren’t anything like their PM and are looking for forgiveness by saying, ‘I want him gone, too.’ They should be held responsible for their decisions over the past nine disastrous years. There are the ones who will say, ‘He’s gone and now all is forgotten,’ and the masses will come back to the Liberal fold and back to increased taxes and deficits. But maybe the few who leave before the election will be rewarded with a plum position in an embassy, or who knows, even become a mayor or a lieutenant-governor. P.S. Love your paper.

Rob Hazel
Dartmouth, N.S.

(Let’s hope that day of reckoning comes sooner than scheduled)


Justin Trudeau must be salivating at the thought. World leaders and thousands of news organizations. So how is he going to embarrass Canada this time? Bring a bigger delegation than the rest of the world combined? Spend more money than the cost of President Jimmy Carter’s funeral? Hold a karaoke gig with Kamala Harris in the hotel lobby bar? Hold your breath, Canada.

John Kernc

(All those years of drama teaching relay paid off for Canada, eh?)