Lovers of a tipple are being given good news going into 2025 as experts are saying that three types of alcoholic drinks have big health benefits. The Times reported that ‘good quality’ cider can do you a lot of good because it contains antitoxidants.

Experts like Professor Tim Spector has advocated a glass of red wine as the healthiest drink because it contains the beneficial nutrients polyphenols. It also contains relatively high amounts of the antioxidant plant compound resveratrol, but the Times reported its nutritional profile is rivalled by cider.

It said: “The apples from which cider is made contain an abundance of antioxidants including quercetin in the peel and hydroxycinnamic acids in the flesh of the fruit. A study in Food Bioscience suggests that artisan ciders contain comparable levels of antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols — natural substances shown to stabilise blood sugar levels and boost heart, gut and brain health — to those found in red wine. Remarkably, cider even contains more antioxidants than fresh orange juice. 10. But make it gin or vodka for weight loss.”

For those who are slimming researchers have suggested a different alcoholic drink. The Times reported that gin and tonic or vodka, lime and soda are relatively low in calories and carbs, making them gentler on the waistline compared to many other drinks

According to the registered nutritionist Dominique Ludwig. A 25ml shot of 40 per cent ABV vodka contains 55 calories, while the same size serving of gin provides 35 calories. Add regular tonic water or soda and it’s an extra 90 calories per serving, but still significantly less than the 340 calories in a typical pint of beer or the 226 calories in a large glass of red wine. “Opt for single shots and top up with low-calorie soda water if you want to drink but are trying to lose weight,” Ludwig suggests.