A Bristol photographer has captured drone footage of the majesty of huge humpback whales swimming off the South West coast. One mighty animal was filmed spouting close to the surface in Newquay in Cornwall on three consecutive days last week.
The aerial shot shows the creature – which can grow up to 60ft long – in its natural element not far from the shoreline and cliffs in a week when sightings have been widely reported on social media. It comes after a group of holidaymakers were treated to a spectacular water splashing display by a humpback near off the Isles of Scilly.
Dan Abbott, from Bristol, filmed the whale near Newquay using a drone on Thursday (January 2). He said: “I came down to Cornwall for the day to try and find it, searching the coastlines from 10am. These shots were taken 20 mins before it went dark around 4pm.
“I have been filming wildlife underwater and with drones for many years, and it’s really important not to disturb the animal when filming them. The wildlife always comes before the shot.
“This was the third day in a row a humpback whale was spotted around Newquay.”
It comes amid increased sightings of the aquatic beasts in South West waters. Humpbacks are currently on the move around our coast. It is thought they drift here to explore winter feeding grounds.
A second video, below, taken by Kelsey Michelle, also shows a humpback, possibly the same one, roaming off Newquay. The whales are recognisable by their unique knobbly head and the five metre long wing-like pectoral fins.
The most spectacular footage of all was captured by holidaymakers on a wildlife trip off the Scillies. Phone video captured a humpback leaping from the sea. The majestic beast repeatedly breached from the depths just yards away.
The skipper of the vessel said it was the best whale display he had seen in 20 years as his guests were convinced it was putting on a show just for them.
Molly Wates, who shared the video, said: “Never expected to see what we did as Neil our skipper said in 20 years he’s been seeing the whales here he’s never seen one do that.”