As the mercury dips and frost becomes a common sight on car windscreens, drivers often face the tedious task of de-icing before setting off. The moisture in the air solidifies at zero degrees Celsius, clinging to your vehicle and obscuring visibility.
This can render your windscreen nearly opaque, making driving unsafe without removing the ice. For those mornings when you’re already behind schedule, a handy kitchen staple could significantly cut down your de-icing time.
Windscreen Wipers experts have revealed that white vinegar is an excellent de-icer. It clears the frost away and can prevent its formation. The car gurus recommend: “Simply combine 125ml of white vinegar with 375ml of water in a 500ml spray bottle”, reports the Express. This simple mixture can easily dissolve ice on your windscreen when applied either the evening before a cold snap or early in the morning.

The Windscreen Wipers team explains its effectiveness: “The acetic acid in the vinegar helps lower the freezing point of water, making it harder for ice to form.”
However, white vinegar isn’t the only kitchen essential that can replace commercial de-icing solutions; a raw onion can also work wonders.
Car experts have hailed the humble onion as a “cheap” trick for motorists to prevent frost on their windscreens. The Windscreen Wipers team suggests: “While this may sound unconventional, the natural oils in the onion are great for creating a protective coating on the glass, preventing frost from forming and saving you some time in the morning.”
If chopping onions isn’t your thing or you’re out of stock, they recommend using an old rubber bathmat or a folded sheet.

Place it over the windscreen and secure it with wipers to keep it in place overnight. Carrier bags secured with rubber bands can do the trick for side mirrors.
Remove them in the morning, and you’re ready to go. Car professionals also remind drivers not to neglect their wiper blades during the cold months.
“It’s easy to be focused solely on the frost on your windscreen during the winter months, but don’t forget that wiper blades are also at risk of freezing! Frozen wiper blades can’t clear your windscreen properly, leading to poor visibility, which is especially dangerous in icy conditions. For this reason, it’s essential to also prevent blades from freezing.”
They suggest using rubbing alcohol to coat the wipers, as its lower freezing point than water will keep the blades flexible and functional.