As we shake off the dust of 2024 and look forward to 2025, we have some thoughts for powers that be around the globe. We wouldn’t presume to offer resolutions, but we do have some suggestions.

In this country, we suggest that law enforcement agencies start to take antisemitism seriously. Street demonstrations that target Jews, Jewish businesses, Jewish institutions and Jewish schools have no place in civil society. We would not allow any other group to target and menace others based on their ethnicity and religion. The intimidation must stop.

In the Middle East, we suggest Hamas return surviving hostages. Kidnapping innocent civilians, including babies and young women, and holding them captive is a horrific act of terror. Demonstrators who protest on behalf of Hamas about deaths in Gaza should consider this: Hamas started the war with its savage attack on Israel. It could end it by returning the hostages.

To incoming U.S. President Donald Trump, we suggest relaxing about Canada. He has a problem with our political representatives right now. To him, we say: Just wait. Most Canadians are even more ticked off with our present government. We expect a change as soon as we get an opportunity to elect a new government. And no, Wayne Gretzky will not be prime minister. Although he’d probably be a great one.

To Russian President Vladimir Putin, we suggest giving up the fight in Ukraine. He took over Crimea in 2014. His most recent assault on that country is now approaching its third anniversary. It’s caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, both civilian and military, on both sides. Putin had originally predicted he’d sweep through Ukraine in days. It’s a testament to the determination of the Ukrainian people, especially the tenacity of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, that they haven’t capitulated.

As for Canada’s leaders: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, you have ego all over your face.

It’s time to go. To Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, start acting like a prime minister in waiting and you will become prime minister. To NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, stop acting as if voters made you prime minister. They’ll never give you that job.

And to our loyal readers, we wish you all a very happy new year.