Re “Freeland’s fiscal record is a disastrous one” (Brian Lilley, Dec. 22): The household fallacy is the belief that the federal government should act like a budget-conscious family and spend frugally. But a household does not own a central bank, nor is it responsible for stimulating a recessed national economy where currently 1.5 million Canadians suffer unemployment. Advanced economies typically run deficits and their public debts grows alongside their economies. No fiscal problem ensues for a monetarily sovereign government like Canada because its cheques are drawn on the Bank of Canada and will never bounce. In individuals, there is a medical disorder characterized by abnormally low body weight, distorted perceptions, and an intense fear of getting heavier. Unfortunately, in the public sphere we have the economic anorexics who call for fiscal restraint, claiming the debt load is too much to bear, even though the economic body wastes away for lack of spending sustenance.

Larry Kazdan

(The federal government has not suffered from a lack of spending for the last nearly decade. The issue is what have they been spending on? If services government is obligated to provide have not improved then it’s reasonable to demand restraint)


Justin Trudeau thinks his party still has a shot in the next general election. Delusion notwithstanding, nobody votes for a party that buys red ink by the barrel.

Tom Empey

(Trudeau should stick around as leader of the Liberal party into the next election so Canadians can send him a message)


Our governments are in the business of dealing a dangerous drug. That drug is dopamine, ‘the pleasure chemical.’ Billions of dollars are spent ‘buying’ dopamine in casinos and through lottery tickets with almost no reward except the temporary high it gives. If you or a loved one is addicted to dopamine (gambling addiction) I urge you to consider dopamine detox. Once you recognize the negative effects of dopamine, your life will be more enjoyable. You’ll also have extra cash in your pocket.

Dan MacGillivray

(Individuals have to make these choices themselves)