Kat Parton. Patricia Aust. Sophie Watson. Montserrat Elias. Rachel Simpson. Mary Ward. Tavia Da Costa. Karen Cummings. Let there be no more in 2025. Grand rhetoric about “the murders of women and girls” here is pointless without strategies and the most basic of these should be that any violence against females is punished very harshly by the courts. That doesn’t mean suspended sentences — it means jail time for a very long time. That’s not the only answer but it’s one of the answers. Work your way back from that and change attitudes in the workplace, in education and in sports grounds. Make sure that every incident of violence against women is recorded and followed through so that the impact of actions to counteract violence can be measured. Here’s a rule of thumb for authorities to start off with — just assume when a woman turns up either unconscious or beaten black and blue or cut that she didn’t do it herself.