All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Here, sadly, is an inescapable fact.

We sit and watch, we read reports. We say “Someone should do something.” Occasionally a number of us are moved to do “something”, as in the Farmers’ Rally, but it was only “something”. It was not enough to make a jot of difference to the attitude of the government.

Are they “evil”? Is this too strong a word? I don’t think it is. So far they have been shown to have a curious attitude to truth, honesty, basic decency.

Above all, they are led by a man who, when wanting to charm the electorate, clearly told a number of outright lies in order to procure those votes.

Or, having secured those votes, did he re-think his entire plan for the next five years? Did he actually think through how the penalising of those who have worked hard and saved would affect those people?

Did he stop to wonder how his treatment of those who grow our food would affect the whole country?

Did he do any joined-up thinking at all? If he did: I think “evil” is a reasonable description. If he didn’t: he is even more clearly unfit for office.

Tony Blair may have been Machiavellian, but at least one could see the brain working.

FarmThe National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has planned a “mass lobby” event in London on November 19GB News

This man and his colleagues are going to destroy what little is left of our once proud country. So – we should be blockading ports to prevent food imports so the fools can see that we CAN and SHOULD be self-sufficient.

We should refuse point blank to pay exorbitant taxes that are being used to care for “illegal immigrants” while our pensioners struggle to survive.

We read the figures on illegal immigrants and most of us do nothing because we haven’t a clue what we can do.

We hear of the amount of money each one is costing and blow our tops in the pub or around the dinner table; but we don’t DO anything.

Sheep seem to have more power to annoy and control farmers than we have to annoy and control the politicians we have, often inadvertently, elected. Yet these people are our employees.


If you run a business and someone makes a total mess of running an area of that business, you are entitled to sack him. Why then do we allow our MPs to make a total mess of running GB Ltd. without being sacked?

Why do we tolerate the lies, the cuddling up to an EU we voted to leave, the vast overspending on an over-inflated civil service, over-spending to be funded of course from our savings.

More civil servants needed to handle these extra taxes and their distribution. How I wish I could persuade all tax-payers to simply say “No”.

Just until we manage to make these idiots see that to grow an economy we need freedom, not some nanny state that thinks it is more important to be nice to foreign freeloaders than its own tax-paying workers.

A nine-yr old can work out that if you tax us to the hilt, we see no point in trying to earn more, no point in manufacturing as so few can afford our products, no point in growing food as few can afford the correct price.

To finish with another favourite quote from GBS: “The longer I live, the more convinced I am that this planet is used by other planets as a lunatic asylum.”

If I’ve quoted it before, I apologise; but it has never felt more likely than it does at this moment. We are staring into an abyss that was once Great Britain: and are doing nothing.