A record-breaking 1,150 festive bathers have had a splashing time at the annual Tenby Boxing Day Swim.
The fancy dress theme of superheroes, in tribute to the RNLI in its 200th anniversary year, saw Batman, The Incredibles, Wonderwoman and a whole crew of emergency services dashing into the chilly water of Tenby’s North Beach.
People take part in the annual Tenby Boxing Day swim dressed as superheroes (Gareth Davies Photography/Tenby Boxing Day Swim/PA)
RNLI mascot Stormy Stan was among the huge crowds to cheer the brave bathers on their way.
The swim has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for charities and good causes in its 52-year history, and this year’s event will benefit Tenby RNLI.
Town mayor Dai Morgan said: “It’s great to see so many people from here, and for such a good cause.
“I just love it down on the beach on Boxing Day. The swim is such a fantastic tradition.”
The mayor’s daughter, Erin Morgan, 18, who is Tenby’s town crier, gave a special “cry” to welcome the swim.
Swim chairman Sam Skyrme-Blackhall supervised 10-year-old Sam Fecci as he fired the swim’s starting pistol – a duty usually carried out by his father, Stuart, who was not well enough to attend.