Every December, I try and fail to get into the festive spirit along with everyone else. You must now be thinking – “oh dear, she must have had a terrible childhood” – but that was not the case.
Like all schoolchildren, I was so excited for the last week of term, looking forward to being able to eat lots of chocolate and watch movies all day over the Christmas holidays.
But these days, as some people start stock-piling Baileys in September, I’m struck by a feeling of gloom that doesn’t go away until January. No-one knows why I’ve turned out such a Scrooge, but here’s why I’d be happy to see Christmas cancelled.
This is probably the main sticking point for me, so I’ll get it out of the way first. If there were no presents at Christmas I might enjoy the festive season, but unfortunately, they’re everyone else’s favourite part.
As someone who finds picking a birthday gift terrifying, December is like going through hell on a bicycle with flat tyres. I come from a small family and only have a few people to buy for, but isn’t the cost of Christmas absolutely crippling?
What’s more, going shopping in town has become a creative form of torture, where you’re pushed around in all directions to the soundtrack of Frosty the Snowman. The shelves are bare, festive panic-buying started early and every website is screaming “order now or you’ll regret it!”
Christmas jumpers
I’ve got so many opinions on these, I simply don’t know where to start. They are – quite frankly – a crime against fashion. From the cheap material to the baggy design, to the garish colours – anyone who wears one looks like an explosion in a wool factory.
I’ll admit, one or two can be pretty cute, but only if they involve penguins or a Fairisle pattern in pastel colours. I’m afraid everything else must go – if only because of the sheer idiocy of buying a jumper that only gets worn for one month a year.
The big day
I’ve broken this one down into separate parts to make it easier to digest – if only that could be said for the Christmas dinner.
The morning
Christmas morning is always a bit of a funny one. You spend most of the day waiting around for things to happen. If you’re anything like me, you wake early with a cocktail of excitement and dread churning in your stomach.
You’ll lie in bed, trying – unsuccessfully – to get back to sleep, before finally getting up and choosing a present to open. When breakfast time comes, everyone else says they’re ‘saving themselves for later’ and so the meal is a meagre affair that leaves you hungry all morning.
The TV schedule
I firmly believe the TV schedule for Christmas day has gone downhill in recent years. I remember when it used to be back-to-back Harry Potters and Lord of the Rings, now it’s Shaun the Sheep, mindless game shows, and a dash of Strictly filmed in November.
The dinner
When it finally happens, the Christmas dinner is a mammoth affair that no human being should eat all at once. Who really needs turkey and sausages in the same meal? It’s pure lunacy. Not to mention turkey is the driest thing on the planet after cardboard, or maybe the Sahara.
The evening
Maybe this is just me, but the after-dinner slump hits hard. No one wants to do anything, the TV schedule is mind-numbing and shreds of wrapping paper cover every flat surface. You feel over-full, tired and bored – like a Roman emperor lounging on his throne. Bring on the gladiators.
So, what makes it bearable?
Only the Grinch himself could hate Christmas in its entirety, so here are a few things that might be worth saving. The Muppets’ Christmas Carol is always a highlight, mince pies make a decent snack, and I could wear sequins all year round.
I would save the pigs in blankets, and the mulled cider, but don’t mention crackers to me or I’m heading out the door. Of course, the best thing about Christmas has to be getting time off work to spend with friends and family. They make the whole thing just about bearable, and I wouldn’t cancel that for the world.
This article was first published in 2021 and was republished in December 2024.