WhatsApp has issued a warning to its billions of users, with people told “don’t” – and it’s all to do with certain message types. The app is the world’s most popular messaging platform, with billions of people using it regularly.

More than 100 billion messages are sent each day on WhatsApp, and app users have been issued a new alert from owner Meta. A post from WhatsApp’s official X account reads: “message from unknown sender that feels… off? here are some tips on what you can do.”

People are then advised: “don’t respond, tap, or forward the message, block and report the sender [and] update your privacy settings to control who adds you to groups”.

WhatsApp is extremely popular as a simple way to send and receive text, images and more. But not all users may be aware of the rules you must adhere to to use the app.

For example, you should not send copyrighted content over WhatsApp – as if the original producer found out they could file a complaint meaning the person who shared it could be forced to pay damages. Similarly, the sharing of adult content on WhatsApp can result in legal consequences, if any member of the group chat were to complain about it.

And as reported by the Liverpool ECHO, your WhatsApp account could be banned if you send too many messages. WhatsApp warns users must not send “bulk messages”. This is where a person or organisation send a large number of the same message to many phones.

It is often used by companies trying to advertise a product, or even scammers. However, it can also be used by people trying to inform a large group of people of something, for example a boss trying to get a message to their staff.