Today is Christmas Eve. It is the last day of the 2024 sit-out. This is the day when Black Santa gives way to red Santa, who will be giving out wished-for gifts across the globe.
The tradition of Santa giving out gifts to those who do not expect them goes right back to the origins of St Nicholas, the fourth century bishop of Myra in modern day Turkey.
For Belfast’s Black Santa, the 48-year tradition of giving away every penny that is received in the days before Christmas continues. It will be on the first Sunday in February, 2025, that I have the immense privilege of giving away everything that has been donated by cash or by card. All the money raised will help some 100 smaller local Northern Ireland charities do their work through 2025.
This year, Black Santa received his own surprise present. On this day in 1774, Clifton House opened its doors to give shelter to the poorest people of Belfast. Then it was the rich merchants of Belfast whose Christmas giving ensured that Clifton House provided for those who had fallen on hard times, keeping them from starvation and from homelessness.
Today the trustees of the Belfast Charitable Society continue that tradition. And in this, their 250th anniversary year, they decided to make a very significant donation to the 2024 Black Santa Appeal. With this donation we hope to achieve the target we have set ourselves.
People have been giving generously. Across the days of the sit-out, Black Santa has received bags of pennies and 20p pieces collected by children.
Other people have dropped notes into the Black Santa barrel, or whipped out their card to make a tap on the new card machine. Others have delivered the proceeds of an office table quiz, a charity fun run or have called with a large donation from a supportive business.
For every donation that has been given to Belfast’s Black Santa, expressing the true nature of Christmas, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the people of Belfast and beyond. And to wish all the joy, peace and presence of this Christmas, most especially to all who will find this the most difficult day of the year.
Thank you on behalf of every one of the over 100 charities who will receive their gift from Black Santa early in 2025.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.