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I hope people do not think Chrystia Freeland is a hero for standing up for herself, as many claim. She is the co-author of our massive debt and former left hand of our useless prime minister. She was not thrown under the bus but resigned as minister to run for the future Liberal leadership. She is no better than a rat! You want to do something constructive, Freeland? Tell us all about how corrupted the PM and your friends in caucus are. My thinking is you will not. So do us all a great favour and leave, just go away.
Rick Dwornikiewicz Delhi, Ont.
(She was also part of the governments who froze the bank accounts of Canadians. Hard to have much sympathy for her)
So, the smug, smirking Chrystia Freeland is resigning from the Trudeau cabinet!? Is this some sort of pathetic and fraudulent attempt by Freeland to distance herself from the sinking Trudeau ship? Such an act is utter futility as Freeland is well known as Trudeau’s top general, and the worst finance minister in Canadian history. Freeland cannot escape reality by scurrying off and ‘playing innocent’ in the degradation of Canada’s finances. Freeland and Trudeau are co-authors of ‘the Canadian disaster.’
Harley Whitlock Brantford
(She is likely eyeing a bid for the Liberal leadership when that comes)
Trudeau may find it useful to start practising some acting lines. Perhaps start with “Et tu Brute, Chrystia.”
Lori Crank Oakville
(Justin definitely likes drama)
We are going at this all wrong. We need to make the United States our 11th province. Just think what policies would become mandatory. They would all have to learn French as a second language. Football would become a three-down sport — not four. Poutine would become the national meal. They would have to learn to finish every sentence with “eh.” There is more. Send your suggestions to prime minister-in-waiting “the Donald.” What do you think? Eh!
Ron St. Louis Welland
(Canada won’t be the 51st state and the U.S. won’t be the 11th province. But it is fun to muse about it)