New proposals could ban the construction of second homes in 11 Yorkshire Dales villages, as local authorities seek to protect housing for permanent residents.
The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) has drafted plans that would restrict new builds to properties intended for main residency only.
Under the proposed regulations, planning permission would only be granted for homes that will be permanently occupied.
The move aims to ensure new housing developments serve local households rather than adding to the holiday property market in the national park, which currently attracts more than six million visitors annually.

Under the proposed regulations, planning permission would only be granted for homes that will be permanently occupied
GB News
In a report published this month, the YDNPA stated the ban would “maximise the use of new housing and avoid loss to the holiday market”.
The authority emphasised that new planning permissions would be restricted to principal occupancy to ensure homes serve those living in the Park rather than feeding demand for holiday lets.
The Yorkshire Dales is a significant tourist destination, contributing £485million to the local economy.
The proposed restrictions would affect 11 villages across the national park, though existing properties would still be permitted to serve as second homes.
Richard Foster, a local Conservative councillor and YDNPA member, highlighted the severity of the housing situation in the area.

The proposed restrictions would affect 11 villages across the national park, though existing properties would still be permitted to serve as second homes
GB News
“We’re very popular with the tourists and a lot of the existing housing stock has already disappeared, especially smaller housing that tends to be turned into holiday cottages,” he told The Telegraph.
The shortage has created practical challenges for local businesses, according to Foster.
“We don’t have the staff to cater to the tourists when they do come and some of the pubs can’t cater to the tourists,” he said.
The new regulations would only affect future developments, with existing properties retaining their current usage rights.
The proposals come after North Yorkshire County Council doubled council tax for second home owners in April this year.

The shortage has created practical challenges for local businesses, according to Foster
GB News
This followed changes to national legislation allowing stricter penalties on ’empty homes’, including properties that are ‘substantially furnished’ but without permanent residents.
Current figures show approximately one in 10 houses in the Yorkshire Dales is a second home.
Members of the YDNPA will meet next week to vote on the new proposals.
If approved, the plans will proceed to public consultation in early 2024.