The OPP laid 518 tow-related charges and removed 41 tow trucks from Ontario roads due to violations this year.

The OPP say the force released this year’s statistics to show how they are battling crime in the towing industry in partnership with municipal police departments in the GTA.

“The OPP and our partners understand the complex issues associated to criminality within the towing industry, including acts of violence and harassment,” said OPP Deputy Commissioner Marty Kearns. “We recognize that the vast majority of tow operators are following regulations and conducting business in a legitimate manner.”

OPP officers also completed seven commercial motor vehicle enforcement initiatives focused on tow inspections, and 30 other enforcement initiatives where tow trucks were subject to inspection.

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And Toronto Police continue to work to eliminate tow truck-related shootings through their Tow Truck Task Force. A total of 507 tow-related charges were laid by Toronto Police under the Highway Traffic Act.

“Gun violence tied to the tow truck industry continues to be a serious issue, with 60 tow-truck related shootings this year, accounting for 14% of all shooting incidents in Toronto,” said Toronto Police Supt. Joe Matthews. “We are addressing tow truck-related crimes through a service-wide approach, while keeping in mind that this violence stems from a small segment of the industry involved in territorial disputes.”

Durham Regional Police embarked on commercial motor vehicle safety initiatives to ensure compliance with safety regulations. Officers inspected 170 tow trucks and laid 69 tow-related charges. Police took 22 tow trucks off the road for safety violations.

Peel Regional Police have conducted inspection and enforcement activities as part of an ongoing initiative since August 2024. Two arrests were made, 234 tow-related charges laid, and 79 inspected tow trucks were found to be non-compliant.

York Regional Police worked at reducing tow-related violence and held a training symposium for frontline officers. These initiatives led to 176 tow truck inspections across the region and as a result, 47 tow-related charges were laid.