The video above, shot on July 21, 1990, shows a lorry travelling on the Redcliffe Flyover which ran from Temple Way towards St Mary Redcliffe. As the shots on the right show, today the area is the site of major improvement works, but back in 1967 a flyover which was supposed to be temporary began its 31-year life.

During this time, it was slammed as an eyesore, but, in hindsight, it was probably a good idea. Built as a temporary measure post-war and running from Temple Way over towards St Mary Redcliffe, this rickety structure did not always inspire 100 per cent confidence in its users.

At the bridge’s opening, Bristol Evening Post reporter Paul Fluck wrote of traffic engineers’ warnings that motorists would feel “a certain strangeness the first few times they go across”. When the Post reported the opening of the bridge back in September 1967 it was meant to be a temporary structure to ease congestion at the busy junction.

But the flyover, the first of its kind in the West was never removed far outlived expectations. It proved so successful in keeping traffic flowing it was kept in place and was used by 15,000 vehicles a day.

What probably became the longest-lasting temporary bridge ever built cost £120,000 to construct. Work began on May 13, 1967 when sub-contractors Nott Brodie began work on the foundations.

In July the main contractors the Cleveland Bridge company started putting up 16 columns to carry the steel overhead girders. It was opened in September 1967 by Gervas Walker, then chairman of Bristol’s planning committee.

The Redcliffe Flyover in its prime

Councillor Walker, later Sir Gervas, drove across in his car after three lorries with a combined weight of 70 tons had gone over first to test its strength. Concern was expressed at the time about the gaps between the barriers and the danger of cars plummeting down onto the road below. But reaction on the whole seemed positive.

Post reporter Paul Fluck wrote: “The flyover should appreciably improve conditions at the busiest four-way junction in the city which carries about 50,000 vehicles a day.”

The Redcliffe Flyover in its prime

It was a traffic solution that seemed to work on the whole although repairs and resurfacing work in the mid-1970s caused major delays.

Thirty years was certainly long enough for motorist’s initial symptoms to wear off and the “eyesore” became part of Bristol’s landscape – even if it’s not as well-known or as well-loved as our other distinctive bridge.

Flyover facts

The bridge was just over 304.8m (1,000ft) long.

It stood 5.5m (18ft) above road level.

It was 3.4m (11ft 6ins) from kerb to kerb.

The superstructure was built from around 275 tons of steel.