Amazon shoppers are being urged to check their accounts after the Black Friday sales. The online platform pledged to refund people who bought items with the Black Friday Deal badge if the price dropped further in the days after the sale.
Now people are beginning to learn if they have been lucky enough to get money back on goods they purchased. Not every deal qualifies for the refund and there are strict criteria to meet – but those that do should be receiving details of what to do now.
Posting on social media gregthedog1 asked if anyone had heard yet. They said: ” I noticed this banner on the Amazon UK Customer Service page during Black Friday:
“If you purchase a product sold by Amazon with the Black Friday Deal badge during Black Friday Deals from 21st November to December 2nd and the price drops further before December 9th 23:59, they will automatically refund the difference. Amazon will email you to process the refund. Maybe handy if they price match another retailer for a product post Black Friday period”
“Something I purchased fell within the criteria so was expecting an email, but have had nothing yet, looking online I’ve not been able to find a single person that has actually successfully had a refund for this. Has anyone here actually had the automatic refund come through to them?”
But another user was quick to reassure them it was above board. Dizzeem said: “I just received one moments ago and was Googling to find out more. It’s legit as I saw the credit note on the app.
“I had no idea but am happy with any savings! Works out better for them and me I guess, less returns due to price drops.”
Another shopper received an email from Amazon Customer Services telling them they were getting a 49p refund on some headphones they had bought. It said they were getting the money back: “as we’ve further reduced the price of this item which you purchased during our Black Friday Week Sale.”
It explained what the customer could expect saying: “When the refund is completed, we’ll send you an e-mail letting you know the date, amount and payment details.” It added once the refund was completed they needed to allow the bank between five to seven business days to process it.
So how can you check if you qualify for a refund? And what do you need to do?
Who qualifies?
You needed to have bought a product sold by Amazon with the Black Friday Deal badge between November 21 and December 2. If the price of the item falls further before 23.59 on December 9 you will be entitled to the difference in price.
What do I need to do?
Amazon says anyone who qualifies will automatically be refunded the difference. They will email to notify you are getting the refund. Once the refund is complete they will send a further email to let you know the date, amount and payment details.
Once they are completed they can be seen in Your Account on Amazon after you have received the confirmation email. To see completed refunds in Your Orders you need to select Order Details.
It adds once the refund is completed you must allow between five to seven business days for your bank to process it.