A community cafe in Barton Hill is collecting toys and tech and books to support children this Christmas. Cafe Conscious is asking people and businesses to drop off any children’s toys, books or technology to support low-income families.

They are asking for tablets and laptops that are in working condition and hoping that businesses who have technology they no longer need to come forward and support the appeal. Alongside items being donated to families who cannot afford Christmas gifts for their children, they would like laptops for youngsters who need them for school work.

Those who would like to support the appeal can drop items off the Cafe Conscious on 182 Avonvale Rd, Redfield, Bristol BS5 9SX next week. The cafe is open Monday-Friday from 9am-2pm and people can donate via the appeal’s QR code.

Cafe owner Deniece Dixon said: “We are hearing a lot about families struggling in Barton Hill and surrounding areas and we just wanted to do something to support the community. We are looking for children’s books, toys and technology that is in a good condition and in working order.

“Instead of stuff getting wasted we want to recycle it and give it to people who could benefit from it and would be really grateful. It’s about everybody supporting each other and helping each other.”

Shaban Ali, a local resident who lives at nearby Barton House, is supporting the appeal. He said: “Many children and families are facing challenges due to the rising cost of living and limited access to essential resources. Bristol’s Toy, Book & Tech Appeal seeks to provide vital learning tools, spark creativity, and bring joy to children and families during these difficult times.

“The appeal is collecting donations of toys, books, and tech to distribute to those in need. We’re seeking to partner up with businesses retiring old equipment.By donating, you can inspire and uplift young minds all year round.”

Supporters are invited to scan the QR code to complete a donation form before arranging collection or drop off. After completing the form, donations can be dropped off Cafe Conscious.