A Bristol restaurant played a starring role on the small screen on Thursday when it was featured in the BBC2 series ‘Remarkable Places to Eat’. The show’s hosts, Michel Roux Jr and Fred Sirieix visited Littlefrench in Westbury Park.
The episode synopsis reads: “Michel Roux Jr takes Fred to his favourites British city, Bristol, for a Christmas treat: From the perfect French bistro to a festive countryside escape and Jamaican jerk turkey.”
On Instagram yesterday, the team at Littlefrench (the ‘perfect’ French bistro in question) shared a photo of themselves and the visitors. They wrote: “Tonight at 8pm, BBC2 we will feature on ‘Remarkable Places to Eat’ with @michel_roux_jr & @fred_sirieix.
“They filmed this a couple of years ago now, but it was like yesterday really. Absolute joy to have them with us & delighted it’s getting another run. Don’t miss @freddybirdfood making aligot with Michel and what he thought of our mousse au chocolat.”
While the team did confirm that this was a repeat of a previously-aired episode and “not a part two”, Bristol foodies and fans were quick to take to share their appreciation and excitement. One said: “It was the episode that made me come for dinner to taste the aligot.”
A second wrote: “As good as French brasserie food gets in the UK. Loved our visit last week…” While a third commented: “This is how I found out about you.”