ITV favourite Dr Amir Khan has shared a common habit that could actually be lowering people’s blood pressure. The GP chatted to Lorraine host Christine Lampard last week, and she asked him about the benefits of having a more positive outlook.

Responding, he told Christine there is some “real science” to support how a more optimistic mindset can actually help a person’s physical health. He explained: “It’s not about being overly positive, or this toxic positivity, but more of an appropriate positivity”, before adding: “It’s hard to be positive if you’re not used to it, if you’re used to negative thoughts in your head – and lots of us are.”

Sharing a “good way to start”, he added: “Rather than going straight from negative to positive, go neutral. Rather than saying ‘oh I’m terrible at that’ … go ‘it’s okay to feel like that, I’m better at other things and I’ll do better next time’.”

Dr Amir also told Christine about a study from John Hopkins University, which compared people with a family history of heart disease, and “those who had a positive outlook on life were up to a third less likely to have a heart attack” when compared with those who were more pessimistic.

The GP also highlighted a simple habit that could have a whole range of health benefits. He said a Kansas University study found people who smiled more “were better off in terms of their immune health, their mental health, and had lower blood pressure and heart rate as well.”