As the season of goodwill approaches and we order our turkeys, Islamic fundamentalists in Europe turn their warped, twisted and evil minds to massacring as many people as they can at Christmas markets. Sadly, there is a wealth of evidence to prove that every word I say is true.
On 19th December 2016 an Islamist lunatic drove a huge truck into a crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin, killing twelve people, and injuring dozens more.
He was shot dead by police in Milan a few days later. Good riddance loser. On 11th December 2018, another radicalised Islamist nutcase took a gun and a knife to a Christmas market in Strasbourg, where he slaughtered five people and wounded eleven others before escaping in a taxi.
Fortunately, law-enforcement shot him dead during a shootout two days later. In June of this year a court in Germany sentenced a 15-year-old boy to four years in jail for plotting to drive a truck into revellers at a Christmas market in Leverkusen. He had spoken of his intention to kill as many ‘non-believers’ as possible.
I very much doubt that four years will be long enough to de-radicalise that would-be mass murderer. And only last month German police arrested a 17-year-old brainwashed Islamist who was planning to – you’ve guessed it – drive a truck into crowds at a Christmas market.
I can say with absolute confidence that our police services are all well aware of the above cases, and that as a result they have rightly taken appropriate steps to try and mitigate against any such attack taking place upon our shores.
This is why, should you go to a Christmas market this year, you will probably see huge barriers known in policing circles as ‘hostile vehicle mitigation measures’, and highly trained and heavily armed police officers patrolling in pairs.
These sights are probably here to stay, and if they are effective, then that is a price worth paying. One thing that these measures are not, is routine, they are specific steps taken in response to a specific threat, although Surrey Police would try to convince you otherwise.

This week on X, (formerly Twitter), they asked their followers not to be alarmed if they saw these armed police officers at events during the festive period, which is reasonable enough, although I very much doubt that there will armed police officers at school nativity plays, or charity carol concerts, but I can guarantee that there will be armed officers at Christmas markets.
Surrey Police then went on to lie, by saying that these armed officers ‘are part of routine foot patrols to deter serious criminality, and not in response to any particular threat.’ In that single line they took the public for fools, and they paid the price.
A number of people responded to this blatant untruth, for they all knew that these patrols are only happening in an attempt to prevent attacks by Islamic fundamentalists, and these rightly aggrieved members of the public were not going to suffer such attempted hoodwinking of them by their local plod.
Their reaction was full of outrage, and it didn’t take long for the police to cowardly block people from directing their anger at a police service that is obviously scared of telling the truth.
So, in order to save any other police service from any embarrassment, kindly allow me to clarify the situation, once and for all; Should you attend a Christmas market this year and see armed police officers, they are there in order to deter murderous Islamic terrorists from wiping you and your loved ones from the face of the Earth..
You’re welcome. Happy Christmas.