Full-time GP and regular ITV guest Dr Amir Khan has thanked fans for their support after issuing a health update earlier this week. The doctor, known for his appearances on shows such as Lorraine and Good Morning Britain, also regularly takes to Instagram to promote health advice.

On Thursday he reshared a post from last year, a video in which he discussed fibromyalgia. The doctor explained that the chronic condition presents as a combination of symptoms – with one overriding problem being pain.

Part of the clip saw Dr Amir explain: “Researchers believe that fibromyalgia intensifies painful sensations by affecting the way the brain and spinal cord process pain. Symptoms often begin after a serious physical or mental health event.

“One of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia is pain – and this normally affects regions of the body. There are also areas of tenderness which have heightened sensitivity to pain.”

He went on to say that being tired is a very common symptom, “even after long periods of sleep”, and added that those suffering can experience cognitive problems, often labelled “fibrofog”, impairing the ability to focus, pay attention, or concentrate on mental tasks.

He also said that fibromyalgia, which is poorly understood by many, is more common in women. On Friday, Dr Amir shared a response he had received from someone who had showed the video to their partner.

They had written: “Just watched your post on fibromyalgia wow… I have fibro and my partner is very sympathetic but doesn’t understand it. I showed him your post and he hugged me and said ‘I get it now’.” They went on to say: “Thank you for this post … so wish your were my doctor”.

Dr Amir thanked fans in the post’s caption, as he wrote: “Messages like this are the reason I do my health posts – it can be challenging whittling down complex health conditions and advice to a couple of mins, but thank you for reminding me it’s worth it xx”.