The King heard first-hand about the experiences of charity health workers in the Middle East as he thanked the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) for its fundraising efforts.
Charles visited a London church to meet DEC staff, volunteers, charity fundraisers and aid workers, and heard about the demanding experiences of those working in Gaza to provide medical care to the population.
The King talked to paediatric nurse Becky Platt, who works at the Royal London Hospital and spent just over a month working in Gaza earlier this year.
Charles is shown items used in humanitarian responses during a visit to St Peter’s Church in Notting Hill (Mina Kim/PA)
She said afterwards: “One of the particular challenges for us was that we were managing children with significant injuries – blast injuries, traumatically amputated limbs.”
The nurse who was working for Save the Children, a DEC member organisation, added: “The pain relief we had at that stage was paracetamol and Ibuprofen, you might take that for a headache but if you’ve had your leg blown off you want something a bit stronger than that, so that was a real challenge.”
Saleh Saeed, the DEC’s chief executive said the King, who has supported its work for many years, thanked the DEC, its many supporters and member charities.
The DEC, an umbrella group of leading humanitarian organisations, has raised £35 million in aid of people across the Middle East since launching an appeal in October, while its Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has amassed more than £440 million.
In a lighter moment the King was taken with Barney Guiton, 38, who raised £460 for the DEC’s appeal by growing a moustache.
He said: “The King asked me if I was going to grow it so I can wax it at the ends and he asked what my wife thought about it.
“She’s not a fan, I think she would sponsor me to shave it off.”