Gardai investigating the disappearance of Jo Jo Dullard almost 30 years ago have completed their search of an area of open ground in Co Wicklow.
The Garda said it would not be commenting on the searches near the Wicklow/Kildare border for operational reasons but said Ms Dullard’s family has been updated on the current position of the investigation.
Josephine “Jo Jo” Dullard went missing on November 9 1995 while on her way home to Callan in Co Kilkenny after socialising in Bruxelles bar on Dublin’s Harry Street.
Personnel during the search near Grangecon, Co Wicklow, in the investigation into the disappearance of Jo Jo Dullard almost 30 years ago (Niall Carson/PA)
The 21-year-old missed her last bus to Kilkenny and instead boarded a 10pm bus to Naas, Co Kildare, intending to hitchhike the rest of the way home.
She hitched a lift from Naas to the slip road on the M9 motorway at Kilcullen, Co Kildare, and at 11.15pm got another lift to Moone.
There, Ms Dullard called her friend Mary Cullinan at 11.37pm from a phone box.
During that call, Ms Dullard told Ms Cullinan that a car had stopped for her and she was going to take the lift.
This was the last known interaction with Ms Dullard.
A man in his 50s arrested in connection with the investigation last month was later released without charge.
The investigation was upgraded to a murder probe in 2020.
Gardai have reiterated their appeal for information.
They are particularly keen to speak to anyone who may have previously come forward but at the time felt they could not disclose all the information they had in relation to Ms Dullard’s disappearance.