The BBC has pulled MasterChef Christmas specials from its listings amid allegations against host Gregg Wallace. The decision represents a change in the Beeb’s position, after the broadcaster said on Monday that all MasterChef episodes filmed would air as planned.

Mr Wallace stepped aside from hosting the cooking show last week after an investigation revealed allegations of inappropriate sexual comments and inappropriate behaviour against him. His lawyers have denied he engages in behaviour of a sexually harassing nature.

In a press release issued on Friday, the BBC said viewers could “expect fireworks, great Christmas banter and good food” across two Christmas specials – both of which were set to air on BBC One later this month. The first, a Celebrity MasterChef Christmas Cook Off, featured The Wanted singer Max George, Emmerdale actor Amy Walsh, reality star Luca Bish and comedian Shazia Mira.

The second, called MasterChef Meets Strictly Festive Extravaganza, was due to feature Strictly Come Dancing ’s Amy Dowden, Gorka Marquez, Kai Widdrington and Nancy Xu, with Motsi Mabuse setting a challenge. However, the Beeb has since come under mounting pressure to pause the show while an investigation is carried out.

It comes after Wallace apologised for suggesting allegations against him came from “a handful of middle-class women of a certain age”. The TV host had said on Sunday there had been “13 complaints” from “over 4,000 contestants” he had worked with in 20 years on the BBC cookery show.

His comments caused a backlash, with a Downing Street spokesperson describing them as “inappropriate and misogynistic”. In a new video posted on his Instagram story on Monday, he said: “I want to apologise for any offence that I caused with my post yesterday, and any upset I may have caused to a lot of people.

“I wasn’t in a good head space when I posted it. I’ve been under a huge amount of stress, a lot of emotion, I felt very alone, under siege, yesterday, when I posted it. It’s obvious to me I need to take some time out while this investigation is under way. I hope you understand and I do hope that you will accept this apology.”