A woman is being investigated for a “racially aggravated comment” after calling a man a “p***y” following an altercation.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary is conducting the investigation into the woman – who is said to be in her 40s – for the comment, although it concluded its investigation into the man for his actions within a single day.
The Free Speech Union has provided support to the woman, with officers later interviewing the mother-of-two.
“As a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen, I deserve better than this,” the woman told The Telegraph.

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Cambridgeshire Constabulary is now conducting an investigation into the woman
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“I just think it is a sign of the times. We are a military family, and this just rocks us to the core that we are living in a world, in this country, where this is allowed to go unchecked.”
The incident unfolded on Tuesday morning when the woman went out to ride her horse with her husband, who is a retired officer in the Armed Forces, and their 14-year-old daughter.
During their family outing, they were allegedly “confronted and threatened” by two men slowly driving close by their horses – who abruptly slammed on the brakes which spooked two of the horses.
Recounting the event, the woman said: “The driver and the passenger then jumped out of the vehicle and launched themselves at my daughter.
“My husband jumped off his horse and ran towards our daughter, at which point the driver pushed my husband.
“My husband pushed him back in self-defence, there was a lot of shouting going on, and I said ‘I’m calling 999’.
“After a moment or so, the driver went back to the driver’s door and pulled out what I thought at the time was a knife, but in retrospect it was probably a screwdriver.”
After the drivers zoomed off, they made a U-turn, “screaming” at the family as the they led the horses back along the road, causing the mother to shout while on the phone to the police: “F**k off, you p***y!”
After, one of the men got in the car, reversed the vehicle and then hit her horse, leaving her daughter “in pieces”.

While her investigation remains ongoing, the officers closed the case to look into her allegations against the men (Stock)
Since he was a Traveller, he claimed that she had committed a hate crime, with the mother explaining that he threatened her by saying: “We live down here. You’re not to come down here, or else.”
Once police arrived, they told the family to go home while they interviewed the men.
Speaking to the woman in her living room later, an officer reportedly said: “We have a recording of you on the phone to the 999 handler using the P-word, you have admitted using it, so we now have to investigate this”.
While her investigation remains ongoing, the officers closed the case to look into her allegations against the men.
Reaching out to the Free Speech Union for support, she said: “I would urge everyone to join the FSU today. If this can happen to me, it really can happen to anyone. The fact that we need the FSU is a sad but necessary fact of the world we have stumbled into.”
A police spokesman said: “Officers attended and spoke to all parties involved, with multiple offences reported by both sides. Four crimes were raised – one for assault without injury, two for verbal abuse and one for a racially aggravated comment.
“The assault and verbal abuse cases have been filed pending further investigative opportunities. An investigation continues into the racially aggravated incident.”