Have you ever spent weeks planning that once-a-year special catch-up, only to cancel at the last minute due to a work deadline, needing to attend a nativity play, or getting the dreaded cold that’s doing the rounds?
If so, you are not alone. A recent survey from Costa Coffee revealed nearly half of us (43%) look to use Christmas as an opportunity to see friends we haven’t seen for a while, but almost a third (30%) of us end up cancelling our social plans at the last minute.
The biggest reason is a lack of time. With 40% of people filling their diaries to balance work and family commitments whilst also keeping on top of life admin, our calendars become too hectic to take time out to meet that friend for a long overdue Christmas catch-up.
And while it might be necessary in the moment, a third of us (33%) regret missing out on those precious moments with loved ones.

Costa Coffee is determined to facilitate those all-important Christmas catch-ups and help the nation reconnect with their loved ones, with Costa Christmas catch-up set to encompass the magic of Christmas with a comfortable space full of festive cheer.
It turns out most of us (70%) want to dedicate a whole hour to having a meaningful face to face catch-up, with a quarter of us asking for no mobile phone to be present to enable a quality catch-up.
Of the topics that make a good catch-up, family news (60%) and relationship updates (44%) came out on top.
While we are a nation of texters and ‘WhatsAppers’ (66%) to help us stay connected to our loved ones, it’s the spontaneous face to face catch-ups that fill us with joy and nostalgia.
In fact, over a third (33%) of those surveyed agree they feel a sense of warmth and excitement after a face-to-face catch-up, leaving them with a renewed sense of connection after catching up, something which lacks via messages, voice notes and video calls.

Psychologist Dr Simon Moore said: “While technology undoubtedly helps us stay connected to our loved ones on a regular basis, it can never replace the precious face to face catch-ups.”
Our surroundings and environment can make a real difference to those spontaneous catch-ups.
Costa Coffee’s research proves that we are a nation that enjoys getting out of the house and catching up with loved ones in locations like coffee shops (45%), and pubs (47%).
A spokesperson for Costa Coffee said : “Whether you’re reuniting with an old school friend, a colleague, or a family member, Costa Coffee is encouraging you to catch-up this Christmas over a Costa seasonal treat.”
Costa Coffee is offering coffee lovers the chance to win the “Ultimate Costa Christmas Catch-Up Card” which grants 60 complimentary drinks. To take part in this exciting draw, customers must access the prize draw exclusively through the Costa Club app. To find your nearest Costa Coffee store, visit: https://www.costa.co.uk/locations/store-locator/map. To view Costa Coffee’s NEW Christmas menu, visit: https://www.costa.co.uk/menu