Re “Efforts by Fred Hahn to clear air with disgruntled CUPE locals lands with thud” (Bryan Passifiume, Oct. 25): I can’t help but notice that Fred Hahn and a lot of other people are wearing the Palestinians’ keffiyeh. Isn’t that cultural appropriation according to the left?

Darryl Gomm

(In this instance they seem just fine with it. Did Hahn where it regularly before October 7?)


Re “Driver injured as more rocks tossed at vehicles in Markham area” (Chris Doucette, Oct. 23): I am deeply concerned by the recently reported incidents of individuals throwing rocks at oncoming traffic in Markham. These actions raise serious concerns for the safety of drivers and of pedestrians who may be in proximity, as well as property damage to vehicles. As a young driver, I am personally frightened by this news. Driving is a jarring task for many — the added fear of being in an unsafe area increases the stress and anxiety that many new drivers like myself face, while also managing the other various responsibilities that come with operating a vehicle. These individuals need to be apprehended immediately before there are more injuries or even deaths. I urge drivers to make sure they drive with caution and increased awareness. Anyone who sees suspicious behaviour needs to report it to authorities immediately. Although the police are relentlessly trying to make our roads safe again, I believe increased patrols, undercover surveillance, and CCTV footage would be highly valuable and effective in identifying the culprits. These are not harmless pranks, they are serious criminal acts with the potential to injure or cause death.

Nashmia Ahmed

(This is a terrifying prospect – a projectile being hurled at your vehicle while going at high speeds. Once they are caught, there needs to be a serious punishment to deter others)


I find it very interesting that the federal government took none of the blame when interest rates were on the rise and inflation was out of control but now that interest rates are falling and inflation is low, they are taking all the credit. Is the government only responsible for the economic health of our country when times are good?

Jane Gilbert

(It is hard to remember when times were good under the Trudeau Liberals)