Since the outbreak of the current conflict in the Middle East, there has been a disturbing pattern of undermining Israel’s defense efforts — both from global powers and, most alarmingly, within the U.S. administration. Just this week, a classified military document detailing Israeli preparations for a potential strike on Iran was leaked. This breach not only jeopardizes Israel’s security — it highlights a troubling trend of interference in Israel’s sovereign right to defend itself.

From the outset, misinformation has run rampant, with efforts to deny and distort the truth. Some detractors have gone so far as to question whether women were truly raped, dismissing the painful testimonies of victims. False accusations have surfaced, including Israel being blamed for bombing hospitals, which was unequivocally untrue. The refusal to acknowledge UNRWA’s complicity in supporting terrorism only exacerbates the situation. Meanwhile, calls for a ceasefire have persisted —even as innocent hostages remain in captivity.

Yet, despite this barrage of distortion and misdirection, Israeli leaders have held firm. They’ve had no choice but to stare down their critics, dismissing these naive demands as the childlike absurdities they are, in the face of an existential threat. At a time when Israel is facing the deadly machinations of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, the pressure from western leaders — including U.S. President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, French President Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer — to restrain Israel’s military actions has only emboldened its enemies. What kind of shameful behavior are we witnessing from those who claim to uphold democratic values?

Rather than standing by a fellow democracy in its fight for survival, these leaders seem more intent on shackling Israel’s hands, questioning every move made to secure its borders and protect its citizens. It’s baffling. Take the situation in Lebanon, for instance, where Hezbollah’s intricate tunnel system poses an immediate danger to Israel’s northern residents. Despite the undeniable evidence of these threats, calls for restraint persist — as though playing politics with Israel’s security somehow justifies the dangerous inaction of the West.

This failure to support Israel goes beyond mere rhetoric; it has actively prolonged the conflict. If Israel had not been so undermined from the start, the war might have ended long ago, and the hostages might be home by now. This reluctance to back Israel has only strengthened our enemies and prolonged their resistance. Instead of fortifying Israel’s right to self-defence, western leaders are sending the wrong message: that aggression will not be met with the necessary resolve. This emboldens adversaries, encourages terrorism, and undermines democratic values around the world.

Let’s be clear: the implications of this cowardice extend far beyond Israel. The refusal of western democracies to fully support Israel in its war against terrorism emboldens regimes like Iran, as well as terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. These actors watch closely, calculating their next steps based on the West’s perceived weaknesses. By stifling Israel’s military response, our leaders are unwittingly enabling forces that threaten not only Israel, but the entire region.

Now, as Israel prepares to confront the ongoing threat from Iran — whose ballistic missile attacks are the most significant on any free nation since the Iran-Iraq War — it is critical that the U.S. and other democratic nations recommit to Israel’s security and sovereignty. A strong, independent Israel is essential to maintaining stability in the Middle East and defending global democratic values. It’s time to stop calling for ceasefires that prolong suffering and instead unite in a firm stand against tyranny and terror.

Peace is not achieved through appeasement or weakness. It is won through strength. Israel has stepped into the role of the world’s defender of freedom and democracy, showing a level of resolve that other nations would do well to emulate. One day, this will be undeniable. For now, however, the piling on by western leaders must end. They should be supporting Israel, not undermining it. They must stand on the right side of history.

As a friend of mine recently remarked, “The world watches, hosts terror apologists, condemns Israel, and lacks the gratitude for Israel doing the dirty work on behalf of democracies everywhere.” When Israel destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981, the world condemned it. It took the horrors of 9/11 to quietly vindicate Israel, and allowed the U.S. to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003. Today, Israel’s actions, though criticized, will one day be seen as a bulwark that preserved democracy against the forces of terror.

National Post