Thousands of counterfeit goods worth over an estimated £200k have been seized by Trading Standard Officers in Northern Ireland.

The Trading Standards Service (TSS) seized the goods over a two-day period following targeted inspections across the country.

The counterfeit items were found in five retail premises in Bangor, Belfast, Lisburn and across Co Londonderry.

Among the thousands of goods seized, they included headphones, ear pods, branded clothing, trainers and chargers.

TSS were informed of the fake items from trademark holders who believed local retailers were selling goods which infringed copyright.

Nicholas Lane, TSS Area Inspector, said: “Counterfeiting is often seen as a victimless crime but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“It is widely known that organised crime groups use the sale of these goods to fund their illegal activity such as money laundering, forced labour and drug operations, which can have a devastating impact on the wider community.”

Fake headphones

The trading regulation organisation also received complaints from consumers who believed to have purchased genuine articles, only to realise they were fakes.

Discovering their poor quality, the consumers attempted to gain a refund from the seller only to find they were refused.

“Counterfeit goods are produced with little regard for the safety of consumers or the workers who make them.” Mr Lane continued.

“So consumers often end up with poor quality, potentially dangerous products.

“Traders selling fake goods also harm the local economy by undermining legitimate retail businesses and traders, who pay taxes and provide genuine jobs for people.”

“TSS will not hesitate to take enforcement action against any trader found to be selling counterfeit goods.”

TSS advised people to be wary of bargains that seem good to be true and to always buy from reputable traders.

They added that checking the labels for misspellings and poorly printed logos are good indicator that the item could be counterfeit.

News Catch Up – Thursday 24 October