Bristol Live readers have been discussing the ongoing parking saga at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, with recent proposed changes sparking uproar among the hospital staff. The initial idea was to overhaul the parking system due to an unsustainable situation where a surplus of permit-holding employees overwhelmed the existing spaces, resulting in staff being forced to park on neighbouring streets, often having to walk long distances back to their vehicles late at night.

Under the new system, permits were to be assigned based on specific criteria. But its introduction was met with considerable pushback from the workforce.

A concerned employee highlighted operational anxieties: “Managers of entire departments and wards were expressing concerns they might not be able to operate if their staff weren’t given permits.”

Tensions reportedly escalated to a level where some were weighing up whether to leave their roles over the debacle. In a turn of events, the North Bristol NHS Trust has now hit pause on these contentious plans, taking stock of the turmoil and upset it caused among the hospital’s staffers.

By drawing a line under the proposed scheme, the Trust has underscored their commitment to tackle the pressing issue of staff parking whilst safeguarding patient care and their team’s welfare. Although reverting to the old permit approach, the problem regarding insufficient parking remains unresolved, with employees still facing a scramble for spaces during the busiest times.

One of our readers, Busymum123, had this to say: “Something needs to be done because from 6.30am they are fighting to park in surrounding streets as soon as residents leave for work.

“This continues throughout the day so when people return home they have to park streets away. They do not care about partially blocking drives or mounting kerbs when kids are walking to school and if asked to park more considerate they can be quite abusive.

“Yes, they need to park but it’s unfair on others who also work and when returning home with kids or shopping have to park 3 to 4 streets away because every street close is full. The hospital needs to tell the staff not to park on corners and pavements and even slightly over a dropped kerbs, yes it’s unfair they can’t park but it’s the same for people returning from work and most of the staff would be fuming if we all parked in their roads like they do here.”

Ezergood believes: “More bicycle parking is the answer.” While MaddDogg disagrees: “An answer, not the answer.”

Carlos Danfango adds: “Build a multi-storey car park on it: loads more space.”

Rams1974 writes: “NHS staff should get free parking or free public transport we all need them sometime in are life and they do a brilliant job.”

Brizzlebabber says: “Years ago there were dedicated buses/coaches for hospital staff. I used one to get to Stoke Park.”

Agonyant comments: “When the new hospital first opened, staff were ‘encouraged’ to use public transport, therefore parking spaces were deliberately reduced. Unfortunately bus services have become somewhat less since then – so much so that it can be impossible to travel to work by bus on a bank holiday & especially over Xmas. No mention of the £10 ‘application fee’ to even apply for the permits?”

LdBristol writes: “Reading these comments – they have never been told they are allocated a parking space even if you are allocated a permit. Since the pandemic staff were given free parking and this has not changed. In future only bands over a certain level will be charged. If you compare BRI to Southmead it’s worse again and that includes parking for patients. They are lucky they are even given parking as most work places you don’t get parking and especially free. People just like to whinge about everything.”

Bubblesqueek1 says: “Perhaps the trust could get back the money from the consultancy they hired to make a right mess of this!”

GenericNickname adds: “It doesn’t help that they’ve built ‘temporary” structures over their car parking spaces.”

Busy Nan believes: “Our NHS staff are amazing people. They should be given free parking and close to the hospital too.”

So what do you think is the solution to the parking issues at Southmead Hospital? Let us know HERE or in the comments below.