I want Premier Ford to designate a lane just for me and my car, like the minority cyclist community. Call it selfish and foolish, but to heck with everyone else. Few cyclists actually use the designated lanes and even fewer during the winter months, compared to would-be vehicle traffic, but they still expect them to be cleared and still cause traffic headaches for everyone else even when they are empty. I don’t care about small business, the carbon footprint, medical appointments or the 99.9% of the other people. Practical or not, it is all about me. Thanking you in advance, Doug.

John Hutchins

(Until we have a common sense approach to bike lanes, there will be this perpetual battle. At least Ford is doing something about bringing in legislation to curb reckless decisions made by council)


I can’t believe what Canada has been reduced to. I know when election time finally rolls around (thanks Bloc and NDP) everything will focus on the platforms presented. New government, new life, new beginning. Not so. We saw time and time again how rules were bent and broken with little or no penalty. We witnessed ruling parties drifting miles away from their election platforms with nothing more than a whimper from the electorate but protected by a majority. Fix the rules so it doesn’t happen again. We experienced the total abuse of office and unless the Acts governing politicians at every level are addressed, why would we expect anything different from the next government. Do we want another ‘open and transparent’ government like Trudeau. Maybe the French translation is ‘lie and loot.’ I wish for Trudeau to be soundly defeated at the polls and lose party status so that he could know he was the worst prime minister in Canadian history and totally responsible for his party’s misfortunes and blowing Canada’s fortunes.

Bill Jamieson

(The sooner the next election comes, the better off this country will be to be rid of the Trudeau Liberals)


There’s one thing every Canadian knows, our wannabe emperor has no clothes. His popularity keeps hitting new lows. Most voters will be happy when he goes, from their head right down to their toes. That’s what every political poll shows. All his aides must have a brown-nose.

Lloyd Atkins
Vernon, B.C.

(The first chance Canadians get, he’s out of office. If he doesn’t quit first)