Do you have those days when you just can’t make sense at all of the world around us? When everything you look at feels so messed up, so wrong that it feels as though there’s no hope at all of fixing it. Well on days like those, which for me is most days at the moment, I’m like a man in the desert looking for an oasis of drinkable water. I’m looking for droplets of reality from other people, something to hold on to.

So preoccupied as I am with the US presidential race something that jumped out at me recently was a conversation between broadcaster Tucker Carlson and his guest, a vanishingly rare example of a desperately endangered species, a proper old-school journalist.

Towards the end of the conversation, which crossed two hours, Carlson asked the journalist in question, Mark Halperin, who’s at the beating heart of US politics, what he thought would happen if Trump were to win in November.

Halperin responded: “I think that will require an enormous amount of access to mental health professionals. I think it’ll lead to trauma in the workplace. I think there’ll be some degree of alcoholism. They’ll be broken marriages.”

Neil Oliver said that it is “profound”

GB News

I think it’s absolutely profound. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s one opinion from one journalist, albeit a journalist with decades of experience at the coalface of US politics. But let us let’s allow for a moment that he’s right. Imagine if something like half of the US population or the US electorate is poised to lose its mind in the event of an election result.

The United States of America has been held up as a beacon of Western democracy as the land of the free. What hope is there for the very concept of democracy itself? An idea predicated on the assumption that after a free vote, an electorate must accept the result and everyone from all sides put their shoulder to the wheel to make the best of things, at least until the next election comes around.


What hope is there for that idea? If a sizeable chunk of 350 million Americans has a nervous breakdown because their chosen candidate lost and someone they despised to that extent won the election? Halperin suggests in the same conversation that Trump supporters would better handle a Harris win. They could take that on the chin in a way that Dems couldn’t handle a Trump win, which is also interesting, to say the least.

He said that he hoped that in the event of Kamala Harris winning, the Democrats would be sensitive in victory, that they would manage it well. I don’t know. I don’t see it. I would hope that would be so. But surely if Mark Halperin is right about this latent psychosis, this great well of psychological trauma, the looming risk of mass breakdown, you’d have to at least countenance the presence of a risk of that mental instability would manifest instead in a Democrat appetite for the ultimate revenge on Trump and his supporters.

Let’s deal with this threat once and for all. Is this where America is? And if it is, then that’s a cause for concern and everyone in the West should be concerned. If tens of millions of the citizens of that democracy can’t cope mentally with the result of a democratic election. Where does that leave the rest of the West?

Earlier in the same conversation, Mark Halperin talked about how the media had dealt with what was an open secret, that Joe Biden was then 2017, in an obvious state of cognitive decline. He was demonstrably suffering from some sort of dementia. Halperin said he could see it. He knew it. Tucker Carlson said he could see it and he knew it. According to Halperin, most Americans, certainly those who were not necessarily drinking all the time from the trough of the mainstream media, knew that Biden was losing the plot.

When Biden ran for and was made president of the United States of America, the leader of the free world, the man with his finger on the nuclear trigger, the reality of his mental state was covered up and swept under the carpet. It was covered up by the very professionals, journalists and state officials whose duty it was to inform the American public.


Oliver said that the comments are a “scandal”


I think this is the worst scandal in journalism, in American journalism history. I almost don’t know how to process what I’m listening to. Although I find it eminently credible, eminently believable. What condition is the profession of journalism in? What condition are the institutions of the US government in? When all those who conspired and colluded to keep that kind of truth from the American public are able, seamlessly and without a moment’s reflection or soul searching, to freely carry on as if nothing had happened.

Journalists knew that Joe Biden was senile before he ran for president, and they covered it up along with the anchors and the media execs. That’s before we get to the figures in government and civil servants who also covered it up until the last possible moment and said that this was the best version of Joe Biden we were ever going to be blessed with, he’s sharp as a tack. They were they were in lockstep with one another.

Then from one moment to the next, they lament his decline, then say that for the good of his legacy and for the good of the party, and for the good of the country, it was time for dear Joe to go. In the aftermath of a shameless, dishonest, egregious conspiracy to lie to the American people the consequences are there.

I just don’t know where to go with that information, because that information is out there and not enough people seem to care. We’ve learned to call this Trump Derangement Syndrome, in which everything is only and always about Trump. It’s all Trump’s fault. All roads always lead to Trump.

Kamala Harris made one of her relatively rare mainstream media outings. Recently, she appeared on Fox News for a sit-down interview with Brett Beyer. It’s painful to watch. It’s a monumentally disastrous performance by Kamala Harris. I mean, it’s a high bar to pick the worst because fundamentally, she demonstrates over and over again that she likes the ability to answer questions live. I don’t know how to process that either. This is a woman running to be president of the United States of America, and she can’t or won’t answer questions when they’re put to her.

The search for reality and truth is taxing. But every once in a while, there are glimpses of reality. They’re not pleasant, but you think that actually makes sense. I can see when someone lays reality out where it can be seen.

A large part of the American electorate is allegedly on the point of mental collapse, possibly to be brought about in mass if Donald Trump is elected for a second term, and let’s remember that in his first term in office, he mostly kept America out of war. And by some estimates, the economy did quite well.

The American left allegedly teeters on the edge of breakdown. Kamala Harris continues to make everything about Trump so that everything, whatever it is, is Trump’s fault. Whatever the issue, the left’s response, the mainstream media response is not to talk about the issue, to say “but Trump.”

Trump’s not been in the White House since 2020, and yet he’s still to blame, according to Kamala Harris. Not that journalist, not the mayor of the city, was denying that apartment blocks in a United States city had been taken over by violent Venezuelan gangs. But rather than caring about that and making the priority to move heaven and earth to fix that for the benighted citizens living like that. The number one talking point was what Trump had said about it. It’s the same with Hurricane Elaine.

The preoccupation does not appear to be with moving heaven and earth to help those people affected. The reflex is to contemplate first whatever Trump is saying about the handling of the aftermath. He’s not the person in charge. What should matter? What everyone should be talking about is the lamentable, incompetent response to help the people affected by the hurricane.

Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver described US politics as compelling and frightening

GB News

US politics are compelling, to me but they’re also frightening. I ask once again, Where is America? I don’t mean on the map. I mean spiritually in terms of its sense of itself? And is that where Americans want to be? That part of the US population that’s so deranged by the thought of Donald Trump they want a President in the form of Kamala Harris.

She hasn’t been putting herself out and about much. She’s not appearing in the way that Donald Trump or JD Vance are. Even in the aftermath of the hurricane, which caused such devastation and loss of life. Many commentators noticed she was missing in action in the zone of devastation. So deciding instead for another, of a relatively rare outing, she appeared on a US podcast called Call Her Daddy.

Kamala Harris seeks to give her call to action to the people of the United States of America. Without even having to speculate about the nature of the podcast and wondering why she would choose that when she’s been so absent elsewhere. If she had been everywhere, if she had been appearing at the opening of a crisp packet, talking to anyone and everyone about anything and everything, then by appearing on that podcast, you might just be showing how broad-minded you are and how broad-spectrum you are. But when you’ve been so very choosy about where to be seen and so absent from most of the platforms that people would expect to see her on, it’s a very odd choice to make.

On the podcast, she was asked: “Can we try to think of any law that gives the government the power to make a decision about a man’s body?” And she said no. Journalist Rita Panahi said, “Except the millions of men who’ve been drafted into war, forced to put their body on the line for their country, that they forget about that.”

But also, what about the unwanted medical intervention in a time of so-called pandemic? What about talk of mandated or all but mandated jabs with experimental gene therapies that were neither safe nor effective? Where was anybody’s bodily autonomy in that context? Male or female bodies? That’s America. But on this side of the Atlantic, the plight of democracy is similarly laid bare.

Just to give just something that that jumped out at me recently we were offered up anti-establishment, funny men, where Stephen Fry spoke to Andrew Marr and compared the US to a sandwich. Do they hear themselves specifically seeming to dismiss the mass of the US population as meat in a sandwich? Corned beef? Did he hear that?

It’s almost too distressing for words. But to get back to my original point about a world that’s not making sense to me. Here’s the thing if half of the American population is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, if half of Americans are actually on the point of being finally driven mad in a way that will be horrendous, apparently, and will take years of therapy.

We might have to face the possibility that driving people mad, is not an accidental consequence, but the desired effect of half of Americans. Then the state and the mainstream media and the oligarchs no longer have to worry about them. But job done. Box ticked. Those people have been put exactly where they’re supposed to be already.

So if the world makes no sense, then might that be because the intention is for the world to make no sense, no matter what happens in November? The very last thing for anyone to contemplate is losing their mind. There’s a bigger game in play here, and it’s clear to anyone paying attention that this is the time for people to pull themselves together and to pull together for the sake of their nations and their nation’s sanity.